5. The Attraction

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Ophelia heard Owen whisper in her ear about how Rowen has had a crush on Kelsea since 4th grade and everyone thought he was gay until he drunkenly confessed his love for her at a high school party years ago. They still haven't talked about it since. Ophelia laughed at that and she looked around as they sat around a fireplace in another quiet community area. Jade sat on her left while Owen was to her right. Kelsea and Rowen bickered "quietly" beside him while everyone tried not to notice.

She had most of her weight on Owen since he was so comfortable to be around. He made her feel so welcome when he introduced her to a lot of people who she thought seemed indifferent towards her at first. Everyone was very nice and she relaxed after a while.

She looked at Jade as she sipped her wine. She caught her eye and winked as she talked to a hot brunette guy who was obviously flirting with her.

Suddenly she felt a loss of heat, before her body was met with a hard one sitting beside her. Her pulse accelerated at the intoxicating cologne smell that hit her nostrils and she met very intense amber eyes. She gasped as she realized the 'boss' was sitting next to her, with his blonde hair in low bun. She touched her neck automatically when she felt an tingle in that bite mark she had. His sexy lips pulled up into a smirk at her as her brows furrowed.

"Hello again, beautiful," his velvet, deep voice said, making her subconsciously cross her legs to stop the tingling sensation it gave her. His eyes slid to her crossed legs and his smirk grew. "Ophelia, right?" he asked, letting his large arm rest behind her head as his body faced her.

"Y-yes," she said.

"I haven't formally introduced myself: I'm Xavier Lord, mayor or Springfield," he took her hand and kissed her knuckles tenderly, making her blush and look away bashfully.

"I didn't know you were the mayor," she said with timidness in her voice. "It is finally nice to meet you Mr. Lord."

"Just call me Xavier," he said rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. "You look gorgeous tonight, not saying you don't already look beautiful in your uniform at work."

"Oh- thank you," she said in a shaky breath, glancing at their hands. Her heart hammers in her chest as he focused all his attention on her. She's never been the focus of anyones attention like this before and she couldn't tell if she liked it or not. His large hand still held her's making her skin tingle at how delicate his touch was for such a large, intimidating man. His torso was wide and almost strained against the white blouse that he wore. His long and thick jean clad legs made her wonder just how tall he was, he looked like a giant compared to most people here.

"What are you thinking about, little goddess," he muttered closely to her. She wasn't noticing their close proximity at the moment, just how beautiful the man in front of her was.

Little Goddess..

"Um, nothing," she looked at her lap, hoping she could hide her blushed face. He let go of her hand to only hook his finger under her chin, lifting her head up, before cupping her cheek. Her gasp made him smile at how responsive she was to his touch already. Her brown eyes darkened, making his shaft twitch in his pants at the beautiful sight.

"Are you sure," his thumb brushed her plump bottom lip as he bit his own, thinking about the things he could do to those lips. "You seem to have a lot on your mind."

Her heart beat wildly in her chest as his lips were mere inches from her own. Her words were caught in her throat as he smirked and turned his head to let his nose run along her neck. "You."

"What was that, little goddess?" He muttered against her delicate skin, moving towards his mark.

"You...seem familiar..." she was breathless and she gasped when he planted his sensual lips on the mark. Her underwear soaked and her body shivered at the feel of his lips on that mark. She gasped in shock and reared her head back, bumping into Jade. Flashes of that night came pouring in and her eyes watered in fear as she remembered those words. Little Goddess.

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