3. The Confusion

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My little goddess

"Goddess," light radiated to my eyes, making me blink, before rubbing them awake. "What the fuck?" I whispered, siting up in my bed to see the sun slipping through my blinds. I groan when I realized my body was drenched in sweat and as I gained full consciousness, I felt my stomach twist and churn. I quickly held my mouth as bile rose in my throat, before quickly rushing to my bathroom to released the contents in my stomach. I let my cheek lay on the cool seat of the toilet after I heaved immensely. Seeing small amounts of blood in the toilet made my brows furrow...I have to call the doctor to make sure thats nothing serious.

Twisting on the shower-head, I let the water warm up as I stripped out my sticky clothing from last night. I looked at the mirror and gasped at the very noticeable dark spot on my chestnut skin. Two marks where on my neck as if I was bit by something, I touched it, but I didn't feel any pain or itchiness from it. It's as if I had it for months and it's already healed.

I stepped into the shower and let the water drench my straightened hair, letting it revert back to my tight natural curls. I washed and conditioned it thoroughly before washing my body and getting out. It was a Saturday, so I had no classes until Monday. I oiled my body and did my morning routine before drinking my morning tea, which helped a bit with the messed up stomach.

I got a knock on my door while I put in products for my wash n' go. I opened the door to see a damn near disoriented Monica. Bags were set under her eyes but she smiled brightly at me, before frowning as she studied my appearance.

"Girl, you don't even look half as bad as me!" She exclaimed, walking in and sitting on my bed. "What's your secret? Are you not hungover?"

"Um...not really. I woke up fine actually," I said, which made me wonder how much I really drank last night. It's odd I don't feel hungover, or even tired for that matter, but I can't remember a thing. I feel...good though.

"Damn, you must be a rare case then," she giggled, before wincing at the headache she must have.

"You want some tea to help?" I asked pulling out a foam cup. She nodded and thanked me when I handed her a cup. I went back to working on my hair as she sat quietly on my bed while soft modern R&B music played from my tv.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I heard her ask.

My fingers brushed over the mark on my neck. No fog, not memory flashes. Nothing.

"Not at all, you?" I poked my head out the bathroom doorframe to see her biting her nails, looking worried.

"No," she whispered. "I don't even remember getting home last night."

"I was hoping you'd know...I guess its best to be grateful we woke up in our beds, huh?" She smiled softly and nodded her head.

"Yeah, maybe it'll come back to us eventually," she said.

"Yeah, maybe it'll come back to us eventually," she said

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