2. The Encounter

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The Xtransceiver rang.

" Hello. " Came the words half-heartedly.

" Tyler... " It was Mom, " Tyler, where are you? "

" The usual spot. "

" What are you doing there? "

That didn't require an answer.

" See honey... Don't worry about it. Its not the end of the world is it? There are many other strong Pokémon out there. Don't let this dishearten you. "

I remained silent.

" Is that all? I'd like to stay alone. Bye. "

" But- " The call was cut.

At times like this, I spend sulking around the Starf Berry tree far away (100 m) from Azel Town. No one but me has discovered this yet so that's why I spend time here.

This place is oddly void of Pokémon considering the fact that Pokémon are everywhere. That's another point for sulking here.

The Xtransceiver rang again. It was Oak...

" Hello Tyler? Is that you? "

" What if? "

" Look, I know you will be mad at me. You've got the right to but please listen. The thing is that- "

" Shut the heck up! " I roared. "How could you do this to me? I helped you a lot more than anybody but still...still you...ARGH! I just want to be left alone. Please don't call me. "

Nothing happened then. There was peace and quiet for a long moment. A soft breeze whistled through.

I tried to forget the world by using the technique Dad taught me years ago. Focus Mind. Slow breaths and calming my raging mind. It took longer than it should.

When I almost reached the final stage, I heard a rustle. The sound when two small things try to travel around a forest of dry leaves. Then it happened. Something fell. If I had not moved away as soon as I heard the sound, the thing would have been upon me now.

Apparently, it was not a trap of any sort. But a Pokémon. It was blue with black stripes here and there. It looked bit of a fox. Thats when it hit me. The Pokémon I had adored since childhood.....


It was hurt bad

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It was hurt bad. Breathing was shallow too. Looking up, I saw the piercing stare of another Pokémon, Kadabra. It left as soon as I saw it.

Since the attacker left, I began tending to Riolu. It took three potions just to steady its breathing. The poor guy! Fought a Kadabra all by himself! (Let's assume Riolu's male.) Kadabra is a dangerous Pokémon if found in the wild. You will never know what and when hit you...

Without a second to waste, I took Riolu to the nearest Pokémon Centre as fast as I could.

Nurse Joy was surprised to see me. "Tyler! Professor Oak looked..." Her voice trailed off when she saw what I was holding.

" No time to explain. Please help him!" I said in between pants.

" I will do my best, " she said and took Riolu to a ward.

Now that Riolu is hopefully safe, I took breaths to calm myself. This just can't be a co-incidence. Riolu and Lucario both are rare Pokémon. You can't just find them in the open especially in an area where there's hardly any Pokémon. It is said that they choose their trainers. It's not like I am going to be selected, right?

Then I began to feel guilty. I had yelled at Oak in my anger. I sent him a sorry message when I was done calming down.

Half an hour later, Nurse Joy came out. She didn't look happy. I gulped, "What's the matter, Joy?"

Then her face brightened, "Nothing. Riolu is absolutely fine. Now I think is the part where you tell me what went on? "

I told her everything. She said, "What I think is... Riolu was watching you. "

" Whaaaaat? Come on, it has better things to do than just observe a total loser. "

That didn't feel good. To accept that Eliot was right...

Nurse Joy put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't say that! You are no loser, okay? The professor told me everything. You were supposed to be the first to get a Pokémon."

" Wait, are my ears okay? "

" Seems fine to me, " she continued, "See the thing is that, Riolu and Lucario choose their trainers. Oak found a Riolu by chance and decided it would be best for you to get it. That's why Riolu was watching you; until he got attacked. Poor guy! "

(Okay Riolu is a male.)
Something's gotta be wrong. Did I not get a Pokémon hours ago?

" Anyway, he will be disappointed with me. I was...at my worst then. "

Joy smiled. " We'll see. Riolu will be up in the next few minutes."

Minutes passed. Riolu came out from the ward sitting on a stretcher. I tried to smile at him but felt weak to do so. He looked at me in a blank way. Pokémon are hard to read...

" Good to see you doing fine. Now I think is the time I go. It's getting late," I said.

Nurse Joy gave a sad smile as I walked away.

The sun began setting. A few Pidgeys and Swellows flew around before night. The golden sky was totally opposite to what's in my mind. Hands in my pocket, I continued.

So that's it. Tomorrow, I need to catch a Pokémon which would fall entirely on luck. This sucks!

" Rai. "

I stopped. My heart began beating fast for the second time in five hours. I looked back.

It was Riolu.

" Hey. Came to say thanks? Don't mention it. Ok, bye. "

I turned around. " Rai! " Riolu cried again.

Riolu had stepped forward. He pointed his paws at me. My stomach felt weak. There was a lump in my throat.

" Y-You mean m-me? A l-loser? "

He nodded. The waters came down. I couldn't control it. I was on my knees trying to think how this all happened. Few hours ago, I was rejected; without a Pokémon but now...Riolu chose me to be his trainer.

" Thank you Riolu! Thank you so much! " I exclaimed in between gasps which barely made any sound.

He smiled. All by himself, he took a Pokéball from my bag and handed it to me. I nodded and tossed it when he went far enough. The PokéBall caught him on contact. Beep. Beep.. Beep...

I bellowed, " Riolu is mine! "

Just then, Riolu popped out. "Uh... " I guess I celebrated to soon. Then he ran towards me and jumped, landing on my head.

" Hey, did it work? "

Riolu's cry was happy. So I guess it worked. With a final celebratory yell, I returned home.

Note: Just to be clear, it is still I, Tyler. A friend of mine wanted to aplogize for some logical and syntax errors in my 'journal'. I have no idea what he'd said but that's over with. Oh yeah, he wanted to apologize to the re-readers too just in case they find the errors and informed that he'd appreciate all the point-outs on the errors.

As if someone will read my 'journal'.

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