Thirty seven

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Saya tengok diri saya di cermin, befikir okay suda ka ni ah pakaian saya ? Today i just wear a jeans with white blouse saja. Simple

Saya lirik jam dinding di bilik saya 1:30pm.

"Nevermind, siapa la juga saya mau impress pkai cantik-cantik" i shrug. Sy ambil cap saya di almari and pakai my black vans and bawa bag tangan ja.

Unknown: I'm here already.
Me : On my way.

Saya turun dari tangga, nampak my daddy and mom sedang becerita di ruang tamu. My dad caught me looking at them "baby, mau pigi mana ni ?"

"Jumpa kawan sekejap ni dad, nanti dia mau balik suda" mom and dad tngo saya, "mau ka dad kasi sedia bodyguard for you ? Dunia sekarang lain macam, apa-apa pun bole jadi tau" saya geleng kepala saya. "Dad I'm 21"

"And weak. A girl. And my daughter" Dad angkat kening dia sebelah. Saya jeling saja and laugh.

"Trust me bah dad im okay bah ni" mom letak tangan dia di atas paha daddy and convincing him to let me go. Dad ambil tangan my mom and kiss the knuckles gently. Aw sho sweet.

"Okay you can go, back before 11/10pm if you plan to stay until sun down. Dady can track you down where you are going, no need to know where or with who dady will know eventually " serious muka daddy , saya pun terus rasa takut ni nmpak, kenapa ni durang tiba-tiba strict sama saya.

"Okay boss. Bye i love you guys !"

Saya turun and kiss my dad and mom on the cheeks.

Sesampainya saya di mall, no ain't waste my time no more, i directly call Clinton.

Tut tut tut .. then i remember did he use malaysia punya sim ? 🤦🏻‍♀️


He pick it up !

"Hello, its me isabella, where are you ?" Ada lama sikit dia jawab, "behind you" . I gasp, really ? Saya pusing and saw him right infront of me, breathing hard. Our eyes locked. While the phone still on our ear.

He smiles. "Bella" saya scan dia, pakaian dia pun he wore a simple cloths ja. Seluar jeans with white hoodies, its matching-matching.

Saya senyum and simpan my phone back di pocket jeans sy eventho i bring my sling bag.

"Hi clinton"


We spend our time like kami ni lama suda kenal, seriously saya pun tida sangka yang kami begini. Lama-lama i feel comfortable sama dia, he just cerita benda-benda yang saya bole masuk cerita. He doesn't talk about the royalty ect;

Kami keluar dari mall, shit we spend our day almost only in this big mall. But yang penting we are happy, and it's already dark outside. Saya tengok jam di phone saya 7:30PM, what the heck we just do in this mall haha

Chilling di Starbucks, check.
Buying what we want, especially him cause he is not from here so he said dia mau beli barang-barang disini untuk kenang kenangan or ole ole from here sblm balik england. And kami main alat permainan waw, he makes me feel happy today.

"Damnn it's getting darker already. Maybe because we really having fun today right bella ?" Dia pusing tingu saya, saya pandang dia, and smile "yeah we did" saya dengar dia mumble like 'Good'

Baru saya mau buka mulut bebunyi phone saya. Saya kurik di pocket and look who the caller id. Its my mom. Saya pandang clinton but dia buat sign 'go ahead' saya buat muka 'sorry, gotta pick this up'

Saya angkat. "Hello mom"
"Hello baby, how about shane ?? Sudaka you told him about dinner ? Its almost 8, and you young lady, go home right now" shittyt i forgot to tell him. Saya silik clinton, jadi dia macam mna.

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