Thirty four

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Hai guys ! Thank you for sticking up with this story.

Happy Sunday my bunnies !! Hoping this year we'll be blessed with love and happiness. Amen.

Besok nya kami sedia-sedia suda mau balik sabah. Seriously betul-betul saya tidak sabar mau balik.

"Hey, are you sure ?" Nad ask me.

"Huh what do you means ?" Sambil saya touch up sikit muka saya.

"I mean like, he's a prince and don't you like hmm" saya jeling si nadine.

"Nad, listen. I won't and I don't want to bah. Enough la. I need space to be alone" saya simpan semua makeup saya letak d case.

Saya pigi angkat bagasi saya bawa pigi depan pintu, and call my mom.

"Hello" my mom.

"Hello mum, kamu di airport sd ka ?" Sy tnya. Then my mom said drg mo smpai airport suda. Jam 1040 pagi tu la penerbangan kami. Saya tngu jam baru mau masuk 9pagi.

"Nad, jum p makan dulu trus kita tembus pigi airport " saya tngo nad yang sedang touch up muka dia juga. Dia tengo sy dri cermin "okay" itu ja dia balas.

Saya ingat2 balik adakah sa tetinggal barang lg ka apa, cek2 semua bilik manatau ada tetinggal. None.

Then sa pigi duduk2 di sofa smbil menunggu ni modeling bemakeup, lmbat betul. Cantik sedia suda tu muka mau juga kasi conteng berabis huh.

Suddenly, my phone ringing.

Unknown number.

Uh-uh jangan saja yg call sy ni si clinton or shud i say Prince Xavier ??

Mau angkat ka tida ah ?

Angkat ja la.

"Hello ?"


"Hello ?? Who's there ?"

"Erm it's me Charlotte " automatic lidah saya jadi keluh, saya still dengan tu posisi sa , mcm robot suda. Idk whyy 🙁

"Bell ? Bella ? Hello ?" Saya tarik nafas panjang-panjang

"Y-yea ?" Why did I stutter!

"Eem bell, apa khabar ?" Mcm mo menangis sy oh. Kenapa dia call sy ni, lemah semangat sy terus.

"S-saya ka ?" Saya tanya balik. Macam buduh saja pertanyaan sy nih.

"Eyah bella. How are you ?" Dia tnya lagi, dengan suara lembut dia, oh mengkali sebab dia tenang begini kali si Matthew suka tentang dia, how lucky oh.

I sigh "fine ?" Saya bagi jawapan tp dengan ada tanda tanya cuz saya sendiri tidak tau if saya fine or not ? Am i already good or not ? Idk.

Just knowing about what happened with my life right now triggering myself.

"Bella, look..." Charlotte sigh. "I know kami been so hard on you. Like all those things happen that hurting you is because of us. I admit it bella. We are human, so greedy on what we want. Sometimes we need to fight, for the things we want. That's me bella. I'm fighting, keep fighting to get what i want. But maybe luck is on me that time, it gave me the love of my life back, the happiness i ever wish for so long in my life. And im really sorry for making you felt hurts, abandoned, and all those pain you held. And bella, please right now if you can't fight for the things u want, please , please fight for yourself. Get up again. You're still  young. " And that moment i cried with her words. It stabbed me. Right on me. Is it hurt me ? YES, cuz what she said is true. Im the one yang being so stupid. Taking pills that i actually didn't have to take, feeling down cause im not in her position to take care him for the rest of my life . I still have many opportunities in life, enjoying this wicked world and unfair world till the day i die.

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