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  "Uish come on chef, sa pasti ko boleh wuhhh" saya bagi lg si Antonio gelas Yang ke sepuluh, sambil badan saya ikut rentak lagu.

My hips sway to left and right, sambil tangan Antonio pegang waist saya.

'You go girl ! Kasi lupa semua Yang kasi risau hati kau, kasi hilang kesedihan kau. Bella ! He's not the right for you ! Look what he have done to you !'

Saya cepat-cepat geleng kepala saya "aduh" saya pukul lembut kepala saya, "hey hey ! Jangan pukul kepala kau baby, you drunk already" bisik Antonio di telinga saya, I frown and looking at him

"What time ?" Saya teriak di muka dia, "12 at midnight. Come on, I send you home" Antonio bediri suda mau bawa saya keluar.

"Hey ! Malam masi muda mah, saya belum lagi kasi kau aksi nih malam" saya bisik ayu di telinga dia, Antonio look at me and smirking.

Saya tarik kasi duduk dia balik, tanpa malu-malu lagi saya terus naik duduk di lap dia. Antonio caressing my thighs and smirk looking at me

"What action now baby ?" He lend on my neck and leave a kiss, I moan bila tangan dia caressing my back. Saya genggam rambut dia menikmati setiap ciuman or maybe a hickey di leher saya.

God what I'm doin ! I'm such a slut ! Slut !

Saya buka mata, and cup pipi Antonio "control Antonio", he look at me with a heavy eyes, and rest his head on my chest, dia tarik nafas and look at me again, saya tau kami dua-dua mabuk suda.

He peck me a kiss on my lips and bediri. I don't know why I feel 'okay' bila kami sentuh begini dekat, apa-apa lagi kissing ! Ofc maybe sebab kami mabuk !

"Saya pigi tandas dulu Kay ? Stay here. Saya ambil masa kejap" dia terus jalan

Saya duduk di bangku and tingu gelagat orang sekeliling saya. Then saya teingat balik hal yang buat saya sakit hati

Matthew watt or dikenali sebagai my so called fiance, makan and berpegang tangan sama Erine scarlet di restaurant. Ugh ! Yala menang la kau tu erine, ambil la dia ! I have someone better than you !

Tida saya sedar, air mata saya mengalir. Ish malas saya ! My own tears pun betray me suda.




Ahhhh ! Saya gila suda nih, kenapa dia saja di kepala saya nih, fuck off

What will he do with erine ah ?

Did he still keep a feelings for her ?

Does Matthew love or like me ?

"Nooooo" saya tutup muka saya sambil hentak kaki, I can't , I can't forget about him. I love him already .. What should I do ? I'm not a evil person who gonna snatch someone happiness. What if ? What if they still keep feelings for each other ? Then Matthew kasi tinggal saya, with this feelings I have for him ..

Saya panic, mata saya meliar tingu sekeliling saya, this is not what I am ! Nafas saya turun naik suda dengan cepat, peluh keluar pun sejuk, I calm my self , get a grip Bella ! Keluar dari ni tempat as fast as you can.

Clenching my fist di seluar jeans saya, closing my eyes. Siap kasi tenang, saya bediri and jalan cari pintu keluar. Jalan pun saya nampak pusing-pusing suda.

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