Twenty five

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"Morning sweetie" Matthew kiss kepala saya and peluk saya dari belakang, i love him.

"Hmm you smell good la" saya chuckles "eleh i always smell good bah"

Since saya tidak kerja suda, saya banyak buat kerja di rumah, saya banyak beljar memasak and saya mau mula tanam bunga di garden.

"Sweetheart saya jalan dulu ah, take care, i love you" matt kiss pipi saya and jalan p kerja, i just say goodbye to him and continue what i am doing.

Seriously, sangat-sangat bosan la di rumah.

'Phone ringing'

Saya cepat-cepat pajam api gas and pick up the phone.

"Hello ?"

"Hai bella, its me Charlotte"

"Eh Charlotte! How are you ?" I ask

"Better than before eheh btw bella can i come to your house this evening ?" Tanpa fikir panjang saya iyakan kemahuan dia. She said ada dia mau bagitau so why not.

Tepat jam 4 petang dia datang dengan beautiful dress, really pretty la on her

"Why so pretty oh datang sini" saya puji dia but betul la she look really pretty now.

"Ala kau ni, biasa-biasa ja ba ni" dia merendah diri lagi, so humble. Saya bawa dia pigi di belakang rumah ada tmpat santai2 juga.

Kami duduk sana, and maid hantar tea sma kami.

"So Charlotte, apa yang kau mau kasi tau saya tuh ?"

Dia tngu saya and take my hand

"Im so sorry for what my dad have done to you, sebenarnya lama suda my dad buat kerja tu macamtu, my dad culik kau sebab .. sebab " she start to cry, i dont know how to calm her. Saya gusuk belakang dia

"He never show to me that he care, lepas saya jumpa dia kelmarin di jail , he told me everything. Yes he hatee me but it is because my mom left him and left me alone with him, i made him remember my mom... and then the reasons why he kidnap you because.. because matt..."

"Sweetheart im home !" Terus Charlotte tingu di pintu where matt standing tall with his office baju.

"Why so early" saya bediri n saya jalan p arah matthew. He grab my waist and kiss my lips, saya tulak lembut badan dia "not infront of our guest" saya peluk matt, closing my eyes, feeling his warm body then ..




He breath so fast, his heartbeat beat so fast too, so loud and i find it weird so weird but why ?

Saya buka mata saya, pandang matthew.


His eyes goes to Charlotte who still sit there. Their eyes are locked and clicked together. But why ?

Yes, i am jelous ! And i hate being jelous too ! Saya cubit pinggang matt buat dia mengerang kesakitan

"Stop looking at other girl ! I am here ! Ish !" Saya jeling and balik pigi tmpat charlotte.

Charlotte buat muka yang nervous sama saya, "what's wrong with your fiance bella, he looks hurt" dia tanya, saya tengok matthew, dia masuk dalam suda

"Hm sakit bah hati saya kalau dia tingu kau macam tu, macam tidak ja pernah jumpa perempuan geram saya" nah berterus terang terus saya "sorry ah"

"Eh tida apa bah, erm bella saya balik dulu ah "

"Eh tapi ko belum habis kasi cerita saya"

Charlotte cepat-cepat bediri

"Lain hari saya kasi cerita kau okay ? Saya dapat massage ada masalah sama dady saya, saya jalan dulu la ah, take care bella. Thnk you for having me here" kami hug and terus dia jalan

Hmm macam lain betul tau. Ada something ka ni sma drg dua

Malam nya, lepas mandi terus saya duduk di depan meja solek saya, Matthew pula sedang menaip kerja dia d katil, saya silik-silik dia, and looking back to the mirror, saya pandang diri saya di cermin, I've changed semenjak jumpa matthew, i love him so much but why did i feel something stung me ? I feel something is not right. Is it about matthew past ? Right, he never told me about his past anymore, selepas erine punya kejadian, but what is up with Charlotte??

"Sweetie, come here to the bed wanna hug you" matt letak laptop dia d meja kecil and look at me back with a smile

"Matthew what wrong with you ?"

Bekerut dahi dia dengar saya tanya dia begitu

"Hm ? Did i do something bad sweetheart?" Dia terus pandang saya

" i don't understand bah matt, what's wrong with you and Charlotte? Are you having an affair behind my back ?"

"God ! Sweetie ! What made you think about me like that ? I will never , i loved you, sy tida mau fight with u sekarang , please just go here and let me hug you can ? "

Saya tunduk and bediri hentak2 kaki kunun jalan p naik katil and peluk matthew.

He kiss my head and said goodnight to me with his arms around my waist

Please God , i dont wanna to lose him.

Tomorrow morning matthew awal keluar kerja so saya buat hal saya sendiri saja. Bosan melanda then saya teingat bestie saya, stacie, ugh that woman ! How could you !


Ai tesilent ka phone saya, saya ambi and tngu tiada pun keluar notifications or anything jd phone siapa pula ?

Oh ! Maybe matthew lupa phone dia

Saya tingu d tepi katil, beampai phone dia , kann saya blg betul2 ada dia lupa, siapa suruh mau main cepat2

Baru saya mau ambi, keluar notifications whatsapp from Antonio.

7:30 Am
Man, how could you do this to bella ? I already tell her parents about your past, i will not let this slide easily.

Hati saya tergerak mau buka, mau tengo the whole conversations, what is this ? What about me they talking about ? Apa yang durang kasi tapuk dari sia ni ? I need to know, i need to !

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