Thirty six

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Saya ikut saja tu nurse, and now we're standing outside the white door.

"She's inside. Kalau ada apa-apa just call any nurse yang bertugas di sini ya" saya senyum and angguk, dia senyum terus jalan.

Saya tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Saya capai tombol pintu. "Let's fix everything " sa terus masuk.

I saw her laying on bed, she looks bad. With redness under her eyes, pale face and she losing so much weight. Where my stacy yang dulu ?? 😩

"S-stacy ?" Saya panggil dia pelan, dia tida juga menyahut, still closing her eyes. Saya pelan-pelan jalan p sebelah dia. Saya tengok tangan dia, pelan-pelan saya sentuh, suddenly stacy terjaga, mata dia tebuka besar ni tengok saya, bikin takut, lagi-lagi dengan keadaan dia sekarang yang inda berapa teratur.

"A-are you okay stacy ? It's me isabella" saya senyum sedih sama dia. She broke to tears, and tutup mulut dia .

"I-im so sorry bella, please forgive me" dia genggam kuat tangan saya, she's shivering so much. What happen to you stacy ??

"Im so sorry, please forgive me." Stacy mula peluk cium tangan saya. I don't like it when she's being like this towards me. Saya tarik tangan saya dari genggaman dia and tekup muka dia, sa lap air mata dia guna ibu jari

"Stacy, look at me. I forgive for everything you had done to me. Past is past, nothing can change it. But right now, apa yg penting sekarang ni saya datang untuk memperbaiki kesilapan saya. I don't want to lose my bestfriend.  We promised right for having each other back ?" Saya senyum tida sedar air mata saya berjatuhan.

We're crying for 30minutes. And calmed down.

Saya bagi stacy air, mesti penat sbb nangis inda berenti . Stacy minum air dia sikit and kasi baring badan dia. Bole nampk di mata dia tht there's something troubling her. Dia tarik nafas dia dalam-dalam and hembus.

"Bella, saya .. my husband.. " she start crying again. I pat her back and gusuk pelan "it's okay " that's all yang saya dapat cakap.

"He died" i was shock. How ?

"He died from protecting my son from the shooting. I don't know, i just, i feel like it's all my fault. It's all my fault."

"Shhhh, kenapa kau cakap begitu ?? It is not ur fault here ! Please. " saya pigang bahu dia. Bila stacy cerita, sakit hati saya ni. Gara-gara kematian husband dia, keluarga husband dia blame her pasal semua yang terjadi, she even not allowed to go her husband pnya mass d church sebelum kena kubur, her two son kena ambi oleh lola dorang. They dare her if she coming to get them they will do anything to make her n the kids apart.

It all happened after the 'kidnaping' things yang jadi sama saya. Then she got into trouble again when some mafias in mexico also targeting her husband. Inilah hal yang menakutkan kalau pernah jadi petinju underground.  Thank God her kids is perfectly fine.

"Idk how to help you babe" saya cakap sama dia. Dia tunduk, and lap air mata dia, "its okay babe, banyak suda ko tolong saya. Dari kita kecil lagi kamu punya family yang selalu help my family right, my adik-adik dapat sambung sekolah tinggi pun sbb kamu :') " dia senyum tengok saya.

Kami cerita-cerita, i told her about mine too, dia terkejut juga and we saling bagi kata-kata semangat, giving advice yang maybe we need. And surprisingly stacy kena tahan di hospital sbb dia pregnant 1month dekat 2bulan suda and tidak terjaga kan kesihatan dia so she pass out in the house, luckily her brother ngam2 p singgah di rumah dia.

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