Chapter Forty

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I looked over, remembering the recording device that had been implanted into their ear. I thought for a moment, could it be turned on by someone else.

I leaned over Isaiah, who was the closest and carefully tapped his tragus, exactly where the device had been installed.

I held my breath, and not even a second later, a small blue light began to flash.

It was on.

"It's Elora," I whispered, feeling immediately stupid, "Elijah and Isaiah have been injured, though they should be able to walk, they sustained no leg injuries. I'm going to try and wake them up. We're making an escape, tonight."

I then pressed my finger back down over the mic and let it slowly turn off. I knew that it would be safer that way. I stood up and hastily turned on the sink, letting my hands form a bowl as to catch the water. I could feel the dirty liquid squeezing itself through the cracks of my fingers, but within a second, I was ready. I turned of my heel, slashing the water in the general vicinity of where my brothers were now lying on the floor.

Within a second, I heard two gasps, one following in suit of the other. I turned the water off as quickly as I could, letting myself rush back over to be at their aid.

Elijah and Isaiah drowsily opened their eyes, as they began to regain consciousness.

"How are you feeling?" I whispered urgently.

Elijah looked down, "Better then I thought I would be feeling."

"Can you walk?" I asked again.

Isaiah raised a hand to cradle his head, "Who knows? But probably."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank god. Look, we're getting out of here, I don't want to continue having you two at risk. Especially now with the severity of your injuries. They don't give you time to heal down here."

"I agree," Elijah bit out, "But you need to remember that you're injured too."

"I can barely feel it," I lied, "Look, did you guys come up with anything before you came?"

"There were a couple of vents that we could access, but I think it would be easier just to make a run for it and then get through one of the vents in another room which will lead us to the outside." Isaiah quickly explained. There are multiple access points, we'll be able to do it."

I nodded, "Try standing, I'm going to grab a weapon I turned on your mic and said that we were going to make a break for it tonight. I'm not sure if they heard it, but if they did, then they should be ready with whatever you guys had organised to happen."

"It will be a little different since we don't know the entire layout of the building, nor did we coming in. But it will be fine, we'll make it work." Elijah promised.

I nodded slightly, heaving myself up and walking over to the wall covered in Nero's murder instruments. I grabbed the most nimble thing I saw, a long dagger with a brown twine strung around the bottom quarter. Should I be put in a situation where I need to use it, at least it will be easy.

I grabbed two more daggers, however, they had more of a grated, curved edge then mine did. I held them both tightly in my left hand and I shoved them into Elijah and Isaiah's direction, both of them have managed to lift themselves up, and were now leaning not-so-gracefully in a hunchbacked position.

"In case of an emergency." I explained after taking a glance at their confused faces, "Can you walk?"

Isaiah shifted uncomfortably, "I doubt it even matters, we'll have to whether we can or we can't."

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