Chapter Forty

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I had no plan, no idea's, no anything that would help us get out of here. But I had determination, and right now, that was everything that I was relying on. I was completely strapped in, so my first priority to get out of these leather bands. They were pulled so tightly I felt like I was a mummy, the tips of my fingers and the area that connected with the band was slowly changing colours, making me sick almost every time I looked at it. The buckles were all old fashioned ones, where a metal piece was looped through wholes to tighten it. Based on my current position, I knew that it was going to be a challenge.

Both Elijah and Isaiah were completely out, I knew that having all their blood in their head probably wasn't beneficial. I couldn't see anything within reach that would probably be of any assistance to me. My shoulders were strapped back, meaning that I couldn't just lift my arms out of its restraint, so accessing Nero's wall of torture toys would be about as likely as Das going to heaven.

Basically, it was zero.

I was well and truly stuck.

I looked down at the leather. It was thin and fraying, in some parts it was only just being held together by a thread that would even by the thickness of a single strand of hair. Perhaps I had been strapped with this as they were under the impression that I would talk, or maybe I wasn't supposed to stay here, perhaps Nero was meant to take me out but decided leaving me here would be more of a punishment, forgetting the actual condition of the straps.

Regardless of the reason, I bent down and latched my mouth around the strap that I could reach. I started digging my teeth into it as hard as I could, pulling it around as I tried to break it apart. I felt it snap in my mouth, I let go as quickly as possible, spitting out the strings and strands of leather that had lodged themselves into my teeth.

The band fell to the floor, quickly being kicked away with one easy swing of my foot. I pulled my hand upwards, curling it over and moving it around so the I could latch on to the buckle that held the leather strap against my wrists. I could feel the sharp metal poking underneath my fingernails as I tried to lodge my finger underneath the connector. Slowly, I pulled the stick of metal out of the holes, I then let myself feed the strap through the buckle, letting a sigh as I quickly went to work on the other, using my now free hand. As the second strap was pulled away I rubbed my wrists, my hands being a garish purple colour due to the lack of blood supply. I got to work, pulling away the straps that adorned my shoulders and then leaning down to take the ones off my feet and the one that wrapped painfully around my calves. My knees cracked as I stood upwards, but I didn't have time to waste.

I ran over and quickly got to work on the knots that held my brothers suspended in the air. As I untied the knots, I carefully held onto the rope, lowering each of them down as to not injure them further.

I pulled out the bandage roll that I had shoved in my pocket. I looked at them, for both it seemed that their chest and back seemed to be the worst. I didn't have time to find disinfectant, not even a bottle of alcohol that I could poor on to clean their wounds. I guess we were just going to have to make do. I started one at a time, wrapping the entirety of the chest and following through around their back. I had no idea whether I was doing it right, though my wrapping looked uneven and sloppy. When I would reach their lower back, I pulled the bandage underneath the one before it a few times before tying it into a not, securing it in place. I'm not sure whether it would hold, but it seemed to be working for now.

I pushed them up against a wall, hoping that it would let them come back into consciousness quicker. Until then I had to wait.

I had no ideas. I would guess that it would be night by now. Did they turn the lights off? Would I even be able to see, let alone navigate myself through the building?

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