Book Girl (Zayn)

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"Excuse me, Miss?" Startled, I turned around. A tall boy with dark hair was smiling at me. "Do you need any help with that?" He said, gesturing to the stack of books I was carrying.

"Oh, no I'm-" I was cut off by the sound of about ten books hitting the floor. I immidiatly dove to the ground and frantically began to regain my books.

He chuckled and knelt down beside me. "I'm Zayn, by the way."


"That's pretty." He smiled and grabbed a nearby book.

"Thank you."

He stood up and stacked the books neatly within his arms. "Where are we taking these?"

"No, I got it-"

He turned away from me. "Now, now. We don't need you dropping things again." He joked. "Show me the way." I started walking, motioning for him to follow. I watched as I matched his footprints. Left. Left. Right. Right. I examined his toned arms, how they caressed my books like they were porcelain. I like how bold he was for just coming up and offering his help. A lot of men no longer cared to look out for women.

"If you don't mind me asking, where did you even come from? I didn't even notice you behind me till you said something." I quietly asked.

"I slipped out of the coffee shop when you walked by. What's it called? Daily Grounds?" He stopped and pondered for a moment. "Grind. Daily Grind."

"Oh, that's a nice place. I read poetry there every Tuesday night."

"You write poetry?" He said, sounding as if he were really intrigued. I nodded. "Too bad it isn't Tuesday. I would love to hear your work."

I shook my head. "Now, it's not that good but-"

He stopped me. "I'm sure it's great."

"It's how I express myself I guess." I mumbled and opened the door to the library. "You can toss all of those in there." I gestured to the return box. He sat them all in there and then shoved his hands in his pockets. He stared at me for a minute and then started smiling. "What?"

"It's kind of beautiful, how you express yourself with words."

"Thank you." I blushed and turned to go look for a new stack of books to struggle my way home with.

"Where you headed?"

"Probably the romance section, you?"

"Let me come with you." He began to follow me.

"Well I don't see how I could stop you." I sped up a little and rounded the corner.

He kept up with me and when we reached the section he tapped me on the shoulder. "Let me pick out a book for you."

"Okay, I mean if you want-" I couldn't finish because he was already on a mission to find whatever book it was he wanted me to read. I stood silently by the edge of the shelf and examined the selection before me.

By time he returned I had chosen a few of my own stories to read. He swapped the books in my arms for the one in his. "Harry Potter?" I questioned and he nodded.

"It's my favorite book, and I want you to enjoy it as much as I did."

"Okay, I will give it a shot-"

"Will you let me listen to one of your poems?" He blurted out as we made our way to the counter.

"What? No. That's too personal." He set my books on the scanner and I let the librarian do her work.

"Just say a line from one of your poems. I want to hear." He grabbed my books for me as we headed out the door.


"It's artistic and I like that in a girl. It shows me a deeper side of you without having to really dig." We began walking to my car.

I sighed loudly and wracked my brain for some sort of line to express myself. "One door closed and another door opened; unfortunately, I spent so long staring at the closed door that someone slammed my open door shut and left me standing in a poorly lit hallway."

"And that was just off the top of your head?"

"No, that was just a snippet of what I wrote for next Tuesday."

"I think I'll stop by. I'd love to hear the rest." I unlocked my car and opened the door for him to set the books down. "I'll see you then, Persephone."

I smiled and waved him off. I took my seat behind the wheel and picked up the book he had chosen for me. I fanned through the pages when a little slip of paper fell out.

"Call me sometime book girl."

And his number was scrawled underneath. I felt myself smiling without even realizing it. I couldn't wait till next Tuesday.

A/N: Okay so I know Zayn is no longer in One Direction. But I will probably change all these eventually to be random people instead of them anyways. But he was next in line so here is this. (plus half of it was already written) I hope you like it. Let me know in the comments!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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