I put my phone back in my pocket and tucked Goo into the other pocket. "Where're you going?" Jinyoung asked. "Taking Goo to Taehyung's." I grabbed my coffee and started walking to the door. "I'll just take her." He smiled looking at her. "No it's fine. I want to see Jiwoo." He nodded and went to sit on the couch.

On the way to Taehyungs I stopped at the pet store. Goo was sleeping in her bed in the passengers seat. "Since they'll be taking care of her, they should get to pick out what they want for her." I turned the car back on and left.

I got Goo's stuff and her of course and walked over to the door. Jiwoo opened it right away and ran over grabbing a couple of Goo's things. I haven't actually been in Taehyung's apartment but it's nice. It looked crappy from the outside but the inside is really nice. Taehyung was just sitting on the couch on his phone not even acknowledging me walk in. I put Goo's stuff down and sat next to him. "Where's tannie?" He ignored me. I sat there for a minute then snatched his phone and jumped over the couch.

"Hey! Give it to me!" He yelled out annoyed. "You're being mean." I held it up. "You don't deserve it." He went side to side around the couch but so did I. At the perfect moment I rushed over to a little hallway which led to the kitchen. "Y/n, give me my phone." He stuck out his hand. "I dont think you need it though. Get some sunlight." He looked out the window and back at me with a raised eyebrow. "But it's cloudy outside, not the right time to get sunlight." I nodded, "then get fresh air." He sighed and walked away. I followed behind. "If you would've looked he was on the couch next to me." He sat back down on the couch and covered himself with a blanket that was there.

I looked down to see a cute little Pomeranian sitting at my feet. "Oh my gosh. Tannie's so cute." I bent down and petted the cute little dog. "Tannie...a boy?" I looked up and Taehyung and he nodded. I smiled. "Can I pick him up?" He nodded again. I put the phone in my pocket and picked up the ball of fluff and held him I front of me. "You are one handsome little guy." He licked my nose. "A little flirt too." Taehyung scoffed. "Okay there put him down." I held tannie close and pet his head, "but why, he's enjoying himself." Taehyung looked at tannie and back at me. "Where's Goo?"

I fixed tannie in an arm and checked my pocket. She was gone. "Where's Goo?" He shrugged and fixed himself in the blanket. "Taehyung, help me find her!" He fixed himself in the blanket again, "you're the one that lost her." I put tannie down and looked under the couches, and searched the kitchen. She wasn't there. I called her name and she didn't come. "What if she's outside" I opened the door and looked around outside calling her name.

"I can't find her." My eyes began to tear, I lost her and now I don't know where she'd be. What if something happens to her and I'm not there. "Are you crying?" Taehyung asked. "No." He sat up, "yeah you are. I can hear it." I shook my head, "I don't know what you're talking about." He stood up and wrapped the blanket around himself and stood beside me. "Have you thought to ask Jiwoo?" I looked around, "but where is she?" He started walking and I followed him. At the end of the hall was a door with her name in big sparkley gold letters.

Taehyung nocked and she let us in, she had music playing and her back was facing towards us. "Do you have Goo?" She turned around with Goo in her hands. Goo had a pink dress on. "You knew she was in here?" He tightened the blanket, "while you were busy poking me she climbed out your pocket and Jiwoo took her." I punched his arm. "Why didn't you tell me? I looked everywhere for nothing." He held his arm. "Ow...you took my phone." I put my hand in my pocket and went to sit by Goo. "Well now you don't get it back." His shoulders dropped, "but I was just getting payback." I ignored him. "Fine." He walked out closing the door behind him.

"Let's go to the pet store?" Jiwoo nodded. "Can we get her more clothes?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course. Anything you want." Jinyoung gave me a card with no limit. I mean, I feel bad using it but he kicked out my cat and I want her to live nice. We got Goo and walked out. "Let's go." Taehyung looked at me confused, "come on, we're going to the store." He shook his head, "tannie will be lonely." He pet tannie who was laying beside him. "Then Let's take him." Taehyung whined, "but I don't wanna move." I leaned on the couch above him. "I'll give you your phone back." He ignored me. "Come on Taehyungie~ lets go~" he stayed quiet. I realized what I called him, I haven't called him that in years. He sighed and sat up, "you wanna go to the store?" He looked at tannie. "Okay Let's go." He got up and went to get a sweater and tannies leash.

"Can I get my phone?" I forgot I had it. "It's in my pocket, just get it." He stared at me, "what?" I asked. "Why don't you get it?" I wiggled my fingers keeping my palm and thumb on the wheel, "driving." Taehyung sat back, "you only need one hand." I reached into my pocket and pulled out both phones. I looked down to see which one was his and placed mine in my lap handing his over.

"She won't just, wander off?" He looked at Goo sticking her head out of my pocket. "No, she just stays in." Jiwoo took my hand and dragged me to the clothing section. "What about shoes?" I shook my head, "tried it. She doesn't like shoes. I don't think cats really wear shoes though." She let out a quick sad sigh and went to the clothing hanging. "Ooo What about the tux? She'd look cute in it." I smiled, "I think she'd like it very much." Jiwoo got a x-small and put it in the basket. "Should we get tannie an outfit too?" I asked even though I'm going to get him one anyways. She nodded and looked around. "What about this one?" It was a little panda sweater. "Perfect."

We went around and picked a new bed to keep in Jiwoo's room even though Goo just sleeps wherever. We got a scratching post and some toys and treats then went to look for Taehyung. He was in the fish section showing tannie the clownfish, "you see this one, that's y/n." I went up and nodded next to him, "and that one," I pointed to a little clownfish, "that's your father." Taehyung looked at me shocked. "At least I'm proud." I tilted my head, "who said I wasn't?" Taehyung looked down to tannie and back at me. "Tannie Can sense it." Jiwoo pulled out the outfits and showed Taehyung. "Why doesn't tannie get a Tux too?" Jiwoo turned her head, "because he's not a gentleman." I laughed, "yes he is." Jiwoo shook her head. "Nope. Not to me. He doesn't deserve the tux." Taehyung scoffed, "that's not fair to him, he just doesn't like dressing up in dresses, they're itchy."

"Okay Okay. We can get his tux but hurry because I'm hungry." Jiwoo ran and got the outfit and we went to the register. The total read 333000 won. "That's a lot y/n, you want me to pay?" I shook my head and pulled out the card, "it's not my money, Jinyoung gave me a card. It's his money he's spending on my cat he made me leave." Taehyung laughed quietly and nodded. "Okay."

We dropped off the stuff, tannie and goo and went to a nice restaurant. Of course for now goo and Tannie are in separate rooms since we're still not sure how they react to each other.

I know me spending money isn't going to get Jinyoung mad but spending money on Taehyung might. He doesn't like Taehyung for whatever reason. Well they don't like each other. Jiwoo seemed excited, even more when she found out there was an ice cream center. It was a fun dinner, we tried to blend in with the people around who were dressed nice. Taehyung was dressed casually so he got a lot of stares but he didn't care.

"Can I go get ice cream now? I finished everything." Taehyung made a thinking face and then smiled standing up. "Let's go." I stood up and walked behind them. "Hey, don't forget me." Jiwoo stopped and took my hand. There were 4 flavors only. But the toppings center was a lot so it made up for the lack of selection in flavor.

Taehyung obviously regretted giving Jiwoo ice cream. She was hyper and would not stop talking on the way back to her house. Taehyung looked exhausted and full of regret which was kind of a funny view.

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