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I didn't move. I didn't pull away. I don't really want to? Is that bad? I kissed him back.

I pulled away and looked down. I shouldn't have. But it felt right. Everything about Taehyung feels right. It's like I'm supposed to be here, like he's supposed to be here. "I-" he was gonna speak but an alarm went off.

"Shit." I got up and ran to the kitchen. The room was filled with smoke. I opened the window as Taehyung opened the oven. I started fanning the smoke out while Taehyung pulled the cake out  and took it outside. I was supposed to be watching it. I'm so stupid.

I went to the room to check if Jiwoo was still asleep which she was, surprisingly. When I went to the kitchen Taehyung was there with the cake, the smoke had mostly cleared out since I opened the back door too. "We're going to have to make another one for her." I said starring at the black lump in the pan. Taehyung sighed and sat on the floor. I sat with him. "Can't we just buy one?" He asked. "No. If we buy it then it won't have...love."

I don't exactly have any more cake mix and most stores are closed. "I'll be back." I stated as I got up from the floor. "Where're you going?" I wiped my pants off. "To buy more cake mix." He stood up. "I'll go." I went to the living room and grabbed my purse. "No I'll go, you just stay here and I don't know fall asleep again. I'll bring another cake."

He went back to fan out the kitchen even more and I left.

I didn't have to go far to find cake. The mini mart just down the street had some. I also got some snacks.

When I got back, as expected, Taehyung was sleeping on the couch. I went to the kitchen and started baking the cake. This time I won't burn it. After baking it I left it on the stove to cool. It's 11 pm. It might be stale by the morning.... I covered it with a clean towel and left.

Like I told Jinyoung, I spent the night at my house. When I got there Chani was in the living room watching TV. He obviously didn't hear me come in since he didn't budge an inch. He starred at the TV lifelessly. He not even realize me sit next to him. "You know, a murderer could've come in and you wouldn't even realize till just before you died." He turned to me. An excited expression brushed his face. "Y/n!!" He hugged me.

"You left and never came back. It's like you moved countries." I pushed a weak smile. "I'm sorry." He shook his head. "It's fine, it's what you want to do, I'm not gonna stop you." I could hear the hint of sadness in his voice. Maybe it's a sign, anyone that I'm really close to doesn't like him. Besides Irene. He treats her the way he always has. She's excited about the marriage too. Even though I don't talk to her as much, she seems happy for me.

"I don't know. I'm kind of...regretting it?" Chani laughed, not to make fun of me but like he knew it. "You finally see his true colors?" I guess. I just nodded.

I thought back to today. It was the most fun I've had in a while. Jinyoung is no fun and I'm not allowed to have anyone over. Irene is always busy and I never had time to see Taehyung or Chani. Watching the movie, burning the cake... It was the most eventful night. "Holy shit." I mumbled to myself in shock.

Chani looked over. "Nothing." I replied to his worried look.

I kissed him? He kissed me? We kissed? Did it really happen? I could be just imagining it. It wasn't awkward after. I'm sure it would've been if we did. But then again the cake burned right after, I went and bought more cake mix, when I got back Taehyung was already asleep so I baked it myself and left... There wasn't any time to be awkward or talk about it. But I really kissed him.

"I'm going to bed." I said getting up from the couch. "Goodnight."

I can't sleep. It won't leave my mind. I have to talk to him about it. He never told me his plan to help me call off the wedding. Unless that was it...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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