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When I got home I went straight to the attic. I hadn't been up there in years, who knows what kind of condition it was in. To my surprise, when i made it up the stairs not much changed, it didn't smell bad and everything was just as we left it.

I walked over and closed the curtain at the window. It was dark for a minute as i looked for the light switches, I clicked one and the ceiling light turned on, i turned it off and clicked on the next two. One turned on the fairy lights and the second turned on the stars. My dad was good.

I looked around the room and memories flooded in. The different sections of the room, one where we watched our favorite movies, another where we played board games, another where we acted out scenes from movies and had a chest of constumes. I looked behind me and seen the art wall. Drawings of cartoon characters and each other scattered around. Three different sections where we kept our own drawings and one where we put our favorites together.

One specifically caught my eye. It was a picture of me and taehyung with words written on it in the bottom right corner; turn it around - Taehyung. By this time Chani stopped hanging out up here because he made other friends he hung out with more. I wasn't able to read it before, I couldn't read English yet in 6th grade. I unpinned the paper and turned it around, it was written in Korean. I could've accidentally read it when i was younger.

Hi Y/n, you probably won't read this for a long time but i hope you read it before not forgiving me. You're my best friend and I don't want to have another best friend but Jisoo doesn't like you and i can't break up with her. My dad wants me to be friends with her family and if i break up with her i can't be friends with them. I'm sorry for leaving you. When i can finally talk to you can you forgive me. I don't know what else to say, I don't know how to say more for you to forgive me. I will have a song for you, listen to it when i give it to you. I'll miss you a lot.

I'll miss you a lot was written over something scribbled out. I don't know if i want to forgive him. But sixth grade him was bad at talking about things, even writing things out. He tried.

I looked around the room again. memories of playing and laughing and having fun flashed through my mind. But what hit hardest was hiding up here crying. Taehyung would come up and just sit next to me quietly letting me cry. I remember he tried hugging me multiple times but he never went through with it. I felt his arm hovering but never placing itself. The last memory i have with him up here we were sitting on the pile of blankets having a staring contest. I won and he told me to close my eyes because he had a gift for me. After a couple seconds i felt his lips on mine. When he pulled back he stood up with his bag, said goodbye and left. He avoided and ignored me the next days at school and i eventually stopped trying.

That made me mad when i was young, he stole my first kiss and stopped talking to me. I had lost the most important person in my life. I looked around the room one last time before walking out, above the door read Neverland. Taehyung picked it after watching Peter Pan. I always mixed it up with Wonderland but after he left I couldn't forget the name. Now thinking of it the name fit. A place where we went to never grow up. I guess Neverland really doesn't keep your youth once you leave. Once you leave, you grow up.

Looking around the room it wasn't as bright and happy as it was when i was young. The colors are dull and faded and the lights are dimming. My youth is gone, I'm an adult now and it's time to move on. I folded the paper and put it in my bag taking one more glance around. I turned off the lights and left closing the door behind me, leaving what's left of my youth behind with no intention of retrieving it.

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