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"The doctor and Police were weird. It was just like a hi and bye." I said. "Maybe they were just busy," Chani responded. "they probably had more patients to talk to." He shrugged. "What if I'm not okay, i have a sprained wrist and a headache still. What if I'm dying and they didn't realize because they're too busy. I could be dead tomorrow and it'll be all their fault." i said very exaggeratedly.  "You know for someone who almost got their life ruined or even taken, you seem to be in a good mood." He joked and turned up the heater. "You know for someone who almost got his sister taken you seem pretty calm. I could be gone right now you know,"  i pout and look out the window, "plus it's because i got 3 days of sleep." Or I just don't wanna worry about it any more.

I went on, "I'm just trying to sooth the atmosphere, i don't like serious things ruining the feeling of things." He sighed and i turned up the music.

When we got home i went straight to the shower so i could get ready and go see the little girl. Kim Jiwoo i think her name was. I feel guilty that she's there and I want to make it up to her somehow.

After getting ready, i got the keys and left without telling chani knowing that he'll try to stop me from going alone. I don't feel too worried about being alone, I mean i should but it just doesn't faze me. Maybe because I'm set on doing something else. The car ride seemed to drag and there's police everywhere hidden in corners and alleys.

Yellow {BTS Taehyung FF}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora