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"Okay, so out of all the animals you've picked up, you decided to keep the cat?" I nodded. Taehyung looked like he was trying to understand but shook it off and went back to typing on the computer. "Well what's her name?" He asked, i smiled as I answered looking over to Jiwoo playing with her. "Goo." Taehyung looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "That sounds like a boy name, people would think she's a guy when meeting her." I shrugged and turned to him. "So. Names don't have a gender." he nodded in defeat and I smiled.

I watched as he typed. The way his fingers hit every key so gentley and smooth. From his hands I looked to his arms, covered by a sweater as always. From there my eyes traveled to his face. He looked so focused. His hair was growing past his eyes, which was wierd because he never grew out his hair like that, well from what I've seen these past months. It suited him though. I couldn't keep myself from staring, watching him was interesting. The way his eyes squint slightly when he's really focused on what he's typing or how he licks his lips when he's not completely sure what to write.

He turned to me to ask a question but my eyes didn't budge. They were stuck on him. My eyes traveled to his and we kept eye contact. It was like a dream and like last time, everything around us seemed to disappear. It was like it was just us alone in the room. The air was warm and the room was hue of yellow again. His eye's sparkled.

We were interupted by Jiwoo yelling out. We both turned immediately to her. "What?" we both said concerned. She pouted and looked down. "...the kitty scratched me." My face softened and I walked over. "Just keep working, I'll take care of it." Taehyung nodded and I sat next to Jiwoo. "Where'd she scratch you?" I asked and Jiwoo pounted to a little mark on her arm. "Oh, that's not bad. It won't bleed enough to need a bandaid. I'll Just clean it and you'll be fine." she looked at Goo sadly, in disbeleif that she scratched her. "Hey. She's a cat, that's kind of what they do. She didn't mean to hurt you." Jiwoo nodded and smiled. "Now come on. Lets go get it cleaned off. okay?" We got up walked out of the room.

I got her to rinse it but putting a little bit of peroxicide was a struggle. She was yelling and hidding in the bath tub, no matter what I did she didn't want to let me put it on. "Jiwoo, you need to clean it or else you'll get an infection." I tried to explain, "Yeah, and your arm will fall off." I turned around to see Taehyung behind me with his arms crossed leaned against the door frame. I looked at Jiwoo with a face that agreed with him. "A little pain is better than a lost arm isn't it?" She nodded and sat on the toilet and held her arm out. "Hold my hand." I turned around to Taehyung as he walked over and held her hand. It made me smile how gentil he was with her.

I counted down then pushed the cotton ball damped with peroxide on her arm. She let out a little screatch but held together well. "You see, it wasn't that bad." She not even look at me but got up and went back to the attic. I pouted slightly as I watched her walk up the stairs. "She'll get over it in 5 miutes." Taehyung assured me. I sighed and walked back upstairs, Taehyung behind me. Before I could even sit down my phone rang.

Y/n: Hello?

Jinyoung: Hey, are you busy?

Y/n: Um, yeah. I'm working on the project. Why?

Jinyoung: Is that Taehyung there with you?

Y/n: Well yeah, he's my partner.

Jinyoung scoffed

Y/n: What's wrong?

Jinyoung: Nothing, nothing. I just wanted to hang out today, but you seem to be too busy right now

Y/n: Yeah, Maybe tomorrow?

Jinyoung: Tomorrow.

He hung up the phone. Taehyung looked to me curious. "Nothing." He nodded and looked back to the screen. I looked down feeling bad because I haven't hung out with Jinyoung in a while. I mean we talk on face time everyday but I haven't seen him in a while, like a week. "I have something to do tomorrow so...we can work on it at night, I'll text you when we can start." Taehyung nodded and kept typing. I nodded awkwardly and sat like a lump.

After Taehyung and Jiwoo went home I sat on the bed staring at Goo. "Why can't I be as cute as you?" Goo tilted her head a little and meowed at me. i sighed and checked the time, 7:46 p.m. "Chani should be home by now, he's probably out eating or something."

I got up and went to the kitchen to make something for me. As I set the plate down on the table i heard the door knob being jiggled by the turning of a key.

Chani walked in and took off his shoes. "Why are you so late?" I stood with my arms crossed at the doorway. "I gave someone a ride home." I nodded then smiled, "Was it a girl?" He looked at me with a look to shoo me off. I stepped to the side and he walked into the kitchen. "Is this for me?" I was about to claim it but I could always make something else, plus, I'm tired. I walked over but he was already eating it. I poured us both glasses of water and sat in front of him. "Yes it was a girl." I smiled again as i seen him blushing slightly. I nodded and took a sip of my water. "Ahh, is she pretty?" He nodded and looked at me. "The most beautiful." seeing him happy instantly makes me happy. All though he's older than me, he's still a baby to me and I have to protect him at all costs. "She breaks your heart and I will hunt her down." He laughed, "You wouldn't even be able to hurt her if you tried your hardest, you're weak."

I chased him around the house for a good five minutes straight yelling at him that if I was so weak why was he running from me. When I finally caught him he took back what he said and begged for me to let him go.

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