35 - meet Ray

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The group, minus Cesar, meet up to plan our next move. Talking something about getting into Chivo's house or something.

And lo and behold, Cesar Diaz decides to meet with us, "hey, what's going on?"

"Or we could bring Cesar over after school to apologise for stealing his car!" Jamal and Jasmine bicker at each other, making noises before Cesar cuts in.

"I gotta take a rain check."

"A rain check? You don't get to rain-check if no one else is rain-checking."

"Actually, y/n also needs a rain check," everyone looks at me as I'm put on the spot, everyone immediately suspicious why Cesar and I both need a rain-check at the same time, "my dad came home today," I see Monse squint her eyes in confusion, "and I'm hanging with him and he wants to meet y/n," he looks at me and tilts his head to the side, telling me 'let's go'.

I pick up my books and look at Monse one last time. I grab her hand to reassure her that nothing was gonna happen and take my leave with Cesar.


We agreed to meet at Dwayne's Joint BBQ and come out of the kitchen with Cesar, our hands full of food. We settle down in a booth where Ray was waiting. Cesar and I put the food down on the table and Ray brings the tray of food closer to him and starts picking the onions. I smile and look at Cesar.

"Yeah, he's your father alright," I state.

Cesar smiles at me, "you don't like onions either?" He asks as Ray shakes his head and begins to eat. He devours the food and stops when he finds me and Cesar watching him. He clears his throat and reaches for a napkin.

"I'm being rude," Cesar and I exchange a look of confusion before looking back at him, "thank you for the food."

I let out a sigh, I thought it was something more serious, "that's okay, Cesar and I could get you more if you'd like."

"Is that okay?" Ray asks.

"It's our only perk of working here really," Cesar replies.

"It's good that you got a job here Cesar."

"Yeah. Dwayne's been really good to me. Even took me in when times got, you know ... a little hard. But it wasn't just Dwayne, it was y/n too. She's helped me a lot," I look at Cesar and smile, stroking his shoulder.

Ray looks back and forth at us before clearing his throat, "you guys are in love," my eyes widen and my hand retract themselves as Cesar clears his throat uncomfortably as Ray catches on, "but you can't."

I let out an awkward chuckle, "it's a long story."

Things get awkward at the table because no one was saying anything and then Ray speaks up again, "I heard about your Mom."

Cesar spoke to me about his Mom once but it was a long time ago. Looking over at his expression it was still a painful topic to talk about. I grab his hand to comfort him as he interlocks our fingers. He smiles at me shortly before looking back at Ray.

"I'm sorry," Ray sincerely apologises, "I should've reached out to you."

Cesar doesn't know what to say, he's speechless, "uh ... it was a long time ago, I was just little."

Ray shakes his head slightly, "I'm still sorry."

Cesar just wants to remove himself for a bit and I knew exactly what he was gonna do, "you should really try the char burger. It's really good, I'll go get you one."

"Oh no I'll go get it," I get out of the booth but Ray's voice stops me.

"Is it cool if I speak with y/n?" I get taken back from the request as Cesar looks at me for confirmation.

"Sure," Cesar hesitantly exits the booth and looks at me one last time. I nod slightly when Cesar is directly in front of me, "I'll be fine."

Cesar takes his leave as I settle back in the booth, sitting across from Ray, "listen, you are a good person. I can see that because Cesar is a good kid and you treat him well. You love my son and you know that yourself but you're pushing those feelings down because someone else you care about is in love with Cesar too."

Wow, is it that obvious? I've seen him for what 10 minutes? But I guess an ex-gang member who has witnessed so many things in life would be wiser ... I guess.

"Sometimes you just gotta be selfish and not care about what everyone thinks about, look out for yourself every now and then."

I take his words into deep consideration. He's right one way or another.

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