34 - y/n 2.0

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Keeping Monse company was the only thing I could do right now after her finding out about everything through a monitor and not directly from our mouths. She decided to stay at Jasmine's after also having an encounter with Cuchillos herself and decided to take a shower after everyone had left. Jasmine agreed but only if she could dress Monse and somehow I got dragged into it as well.


I got forced to strip and then forced to wear a tight ass one piece thing that barely even covered anything and everywhere I turned, people looked.

"I'm not comfortable," Monse complains.

"You are feeling uncomfortable because you are covering up all your goodies. Remember, clothes don't wear you, you wear them," Jasmine says and removes the plaid flannel that was tied around Monse's waist.

"No, I have camel toe."

"Mija, it's an accessory. Camel toe is the new cleavage."

I look around, crossing my arms against my chest but that only showed more cleavage and that was not what I wanted so I let my arms fall back to my side as wolf-whistles were heard around me.

I hate this so much.

"Yo, girl, where are your earrings?" I thought she was talking to me because I wasn't wearing the ones she gave me only to look up and find out she's talking to Monse.

"They were hurting my ears so I took them off!"

"No! They complete the whole look!" Jasmine complains. Both of them stamping like babies having tantrums.

Then Jasmine leaves to go talk with her cop something, I don't know to leave me and Monse alone, uncomfortable in a now unfamiliar setting.

"I want to go home," I state as Monse nods to agree.

Just then Cesar comes walking up to us, snickering under his breath, "you guys okay?"

Monse rolls her eyes and walks ahead as Cesar jumps over the railings to walk beside her only to have another rail be stuck between them as Monse took the ramp and Cesar taking stairs, leaving me to trail behind.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Monse asks.

"Uh ... besides your outfits?" Cesar turns to look at me, eyeing me from top to bottom before looking back at Monse. That sudden dismissal kind of hurt not gonna lie.

"So, are you staying with Jasmine now?" Cesar asks, looking back at me and I open my mouth to reply only for Monse to reply, thinking the question was for her, "maybe, maybe not."

Cesar clears his throat and goes along with it, "you don't know?"

"When you were on the street you didn't give a shit about telling me where you were sleeping, oh right, cause you stayed over at y/n's."

My eyes widened and I bit my inner cheek. I guess she isn't chill about it after all. Monse looks back to see my distraught expression and sighs, "y/n I'm sorry. I'm not mad I'm-"

"Look, can you be my friends for just one minute?" Cesar asks, changing the subject.

"Oh, damn, okay. 59, 58..."

I stand next to Monse, listening to what Cesar is about to say, "something happened this morning--"

And incomes Jasmine, "yeah it did! And it took a blow to your senses. Cause you haven't seen the skin Monse's been living in. Uh-huh. Not like this! You may have seen y/n's under all the clothing she wears but do you see her skin glowing against the light. Nuh-uh. But now you do. And now you have all these regrets about Monse because these guys are checking her out!" Jasmine makes a statement that makes Monse turn around only for no-body to check her out but with everyone's eyes on me; snickering, whispering, commenting. Cesar sees how uncomfortable I am because I turn back and bury my face in my hands. In an embarrassment to nobody checking her out, she turns back as Cesar chuckles slightly, Jasmine a bit taken aback, "because this is Monse 2.0 and you're still Cesar 1.0."

"Jasmine, we're in the middle of--"

"An investigation?" Jasmine interrupts Cesar, "I'm gonna need you both to be impartial. I'm impartial but totally on Team Monse," Monse puckers her lips like what the white girls do in the movies, "Vaj before badge," Jasmine grabs Monse's arm and drags her out as Cesar stares back at me with these puppy dog eyes.

I look at where Jasmine is dragging Monse and look back at Cesar before letting out a heavy sigh, "you have one minute before she notices I'm gone."

"After we came back from Jasmine's, something happened when I got home."

My attention peaks, "was it Cuchillos?" I panic.

"No, y/n, it was my dad."

My eyes widen in shock and in utter confusion, "wait ... since when?"

"Since this morning."

"Oh my god, that's amazing," I say ecstatically but slowly come to a stop, "it is amazing, right?" I ask to make sure.

"Yeah, it is," Cesar beams. He looks so happy, I liked seeing him like this and not being dragged into every single Santos problem, "I want to hang out with him, bond, do stuff I never got to do."

"When are you planning on doing that?"

"Today, after school."

"That's incredible, Cesar. It really is."

"Thanks, y/n. But..."

"Why must there be a 'but'?" I roll my eyes and let Cesar finish his sentence.

"You might've came up in the conversation this morning and now he wants to meet you," Cesar says slowly and cautiously.


"You don't have to if you don't want to," Cesar reassures me.

I take deep breathes, "no, I'd love to. I mean refusing would just be rude."

"Great, I'll come to get you later."

Yay. Great.

I nod and about to leave until I stop for a brief moment, "I'm really happy for you, Cesar, I really am," I lean in and give him a peck on the cheeks before walking away.

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