4 - give me one reason

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This was all Cesar's idea and he was enjoying it to the fullest. Finding any excuse to leave the living room and explore the other rooms of your newly brought house. The dance was cancelled and the party was transferred to your place after you had accidentally let out that your parents were away to Cesar.

His Plan B was follow you which you hadn't noticed until you arrived at your room after you had asked everyone to leave.

He scares you from behind engulfing you in his embrace from behind.

"I thought you went home."

"I couldn't. Not without seeing your room."

"Well you've seen it. Congrats on being the first one. Now leave, I'm tired."

"Me too," he spins you around and kisses you deeply as you couldn't help but return it. You trip over the end of your bed and the both of you fall onto the mattress which broke your kiss and into laughter.

"Wait Cesar. We can't," you say, hands pressed against his bulging pecks to stop him from making another move.

"Why not y/n?"

"Well give me one good reason why we should?"

"I love you y/n. How's that for a reason?"

You shrug, "good enough," you say expressionlessly but both end up breaking up into smiles before he continues to kiss you seeing as how you just gave him permission

Cesar Diaz ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now