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Cesar // 12:45 pm

Y/n // 12:47 pm
Not now Cesar. In class

Cesar // 12:47 pm
Meet me in the storage room at lunch

Y/n // 12:48 pm
I can't. I have a test tomorrow. I have to study

Cesar // 12:48 pm
Great. I'll help

Y/n // 12:48 pm
Yeah bs u r.

Cesar // 12:48 pm
Come on y/n.

Y/n // 12:49 pm
No Cesar. That's my final answer.

It's 12:50 pm and the bell rings throughout the halls and the classrooms and you make your way out, scooping your things into your arm. The corridor was always crowded giving Cesar the perfect opportunity to snatch you into the storage room without anyone knowing.


He sighs and pushes you gently against the door, locking it before pressing his lips against yours. His fingers messily tangled in your hair as you try to make attempts to push him away but he really wanted this so you admit defeat and gave it to him.

Cesar Diaz ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt