Day 6- Pain

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 I'm getting so much done! I'm so sorry these are not very long. And not very good. -Parker

~~Day 6 Pain ~~

Pain. That's all I felt- hell the beating off Amber I would take hundreds times more to escape this. The worst thing was, Cal hadn't contacted me since, only Leon. Speaking of which...

Leon: Hey Willow :/ You still torn up?

Me: No shit sherlock. I can't fucking help loving him. Life sucks.

Leon: Sucks what? ;)

Me: Not in the mood :(

Leon: I know I'm sorry. Just wanted to cheer my fave girl up ;(

Me: He's not said anything. He has forgotten about me and gone to that perfect girl...

Leon: Yeah... He kicked her out. He's been drinking and crying and having break downs. Then fucking random sluts.

Me: Because I needed to know my soul mate can so easily replace me >~>

Leon: Sorry. Just come round please for me.

Me: Because I love you.

Leon: ;P

I got in my car, buckling my belt and hitting the gas. I arrived soon after, around five minutes. I let myself in the house, and met Leon. "Hey," I greeted dully.

"Hey hun," He replied, his eyes relieved. "Thanks for coming."

I arched an eyebrow, "Don't say you doubted me." I objected, laughing weakly.

"Never." He said instantly, grinning back.

"Whatever, where's Caleb then?" I muttered uneasily.

"His room. He's never out." Replied Leon shortly.

I nodded and advanced toward his room, Leon bringing up the metaphorical rear. I tapped lightly, and stepped in. Again, my heart was shattered. Cal, my only love, was intimately kissing a long legged brunette. I would not back down this time.

"Sorry for disturbing." I snapped tightly, making his head shoot up.

"Willooow." Caleb slurred reaching out to me desperately, I gave a harsh laugh.

"What about your newest fling?" I asked coolly, gesturing toward the ruffled brunette in a pained manner. The brunettes shrugged at me, "It's just fun to me. He gets a new one everyday, it's not like I'm special." She replied neutrally.

"Neither am I, it seems." I sighed, gazing sadly at the empty bottles and the dirty clothing. The brunette glanced at me, "You're Willow aren't you. I'm really sorry for screwing your mate, I hadn't realised. I just knew now, because you're the face he keeps seeing when he's with us- the flings." She explained. "I'll shut the door on my way out." She added.

"Care to explain?" I said sadly to Caleb. He broke down, sobbing and shaking.

"I am sorry. It meant nothing..." He wept.

Leon looked dutifully at the rubbish, "Let's get you changed and clean this up." He muttered, discarding empty cans and rubbish. Caleb sobbed harder, "I'm in love with you. I'm sorry." He repeated drunkenly.

"Don't say it, while you're full of guilt and alcohol. It means nothing," I said, not unkindly. Leon sighed at us, then disappeared into the bathroom and came back with water. "Drink this, Cal." He said firmly, "We'll just tidy while you become sober." He nodded at me to help, and so I gathered up his dirty garments. I scrunched up my nose at the stinging smell of the beer and vodka, wincing as I watched Cal half-heartedly wiping lipstick stains off his neck.  I set the garments down, in an untidy pile, joining him by his bed. "Just.. Why Cal? I thought you liked me, loved me even..." I asked sadly, making him jolt up.

"I do. Love you that is, and I really really like you... But there was this girl, Luna..." He broke down in sobs, making Leon appear from inside the bathroom. "Take a shower, Caleb. I'll explain..." He said gently, nodding at Cal to leave. Cal left shuddering, and I gestured for Leon to take a seat on the rumpled bed.

"Caleb is a bad boy. He has always been a bad boy, but he is still capable of love. He does love you, very deeply; and this is shown by the way he is. Yes, he is a dirty cheater; but a dirty cheater scared of changing. There was this girl, his first love- but not his mate. They both understood, and they agreed if one was to ever find their mate they would separate. Luna was ironically the name for the Alpha's mate- and so he desperately yearned for Luna to be his Luna," He glanced at me hastily, "Not that he doesn't love you, of course, but he didn't know you then." He added softly, "Anyway. Before this, Cal was not a bad boy, he was not a cheater. He truly loved Luna, even if she wasn't his mate... And Luna was welcomed into the pack warmly, everyone liked her."

"This explains their attitude toward me." I muttered.

"It is explained why they are so... Unforgiving. Let me continue; so Luna made her home here. But she had a secret. Luna had found her mate in the meantime- but enjoyed Caleb's company and never admitted to having a mate. Caleb loved her so wasn't worried about where she went when her presence was less frequent. He would make up countless excuses for the girl he loved. But, one day, it wasn't enough. He drove to her house she had lived in, knowing that she was there due to her scent. And he walked in on her cheating and since then, he is scared of letting anyone in, in case they cheat as well, even he loves them; like he loves you. And he cheats so much, well thanks to Luna. Ever since she cheated on him, he has made a pact to himself or something that he must cheat on anyone he loves or is connected too, aka YOU. So, there, now you know why he acts like he does, and why the pack is wary of you."

I was utterly speechless.

Authors Note: So, there you have it. Hope it’s longer!! -Parker

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