Day 2- Making friends

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  • Dedicated to Holly :D


~~Day 2~~

I had met the rest of the pack, and was welcomed like a virus. Cal was actually being really sweet to me and insisted they would warm to me, but I was not as sure. The only pack mates that were anything like, was a sweet young girl called Nina, who had round, curious eyes and a mop of curly brown hair. She smiled whenever she saw me and made me feel welcome. Genuinely. The waitress girl, I was annoyed to see, was also a wolf. When they all shifted for their training, I saw that she was the elusive black wolf that always stayed the furthest into the forest when I was watching them. She was also notorious for being Caleb's girlfriend- or ex, thanks to me. She always managed to bump into me harshly when his back was turned, or hiss a snide remark hidden in a smile. But today was scarily different, she was almost ready to pounce on me. "Hey Cal, babes," She murmured to him, as we passed. He looked her briefly, "Amber," He warned in his authoritative voice. She merely simpered at him and batted her fake lashes. "I  miss you, darling. I bet you that SHE can't give you what I can." Amber moaned. Hell, I thought irate, How do guys find this appealing. He shrugged, "She's my mate." He said as an explanation. Amber gave a hiss, "HER? I pity you, Caleb. Tied to her." She muttered. Cal ignored her, and pushed me forward to leave her. "Willow, you've dropped something!" Amber called out loudly, I looked back curiously, indeed she was holding something in her hands by the tips of her nails, but I couldn't fathom whether it was mine. I walked toward her, while Cal dithered. "I have to go to the meeting, Willow. Can we meet up after, I'm already running late?" He told me reluctantly. I nodded, "Of course, I'll catch up later." I agreed, not wanting to get on the wrong side of the Alpha. Amber grinned, her mouth stretching wide as if to eat me. "Oh, yes. I shall take good care of you," She smiled, mockingly. But Cal had already gone, not to hear her tormenting tones. I went forward, looking at her cautiously, "Is it mine?" I asked her, my voice wary. She smiled at the tone, obviously enjoying my discomfort. "Perhaps, Willow. You better take a closer look." She teased, still grinning. I turned to go, realizing her trickery. "Bye, Amber." I muttered, turning to leave. But it was too late. "NOT too fast, human!" She whispered into my ear, as she knocked me out.

I woke. My eyes were obscured with some sort of dark cloth, the air was heavily polluted with a scent like cheap perfume. "Amber?" I tried to call out, biting onto another cloth rammed into my mouth. I heard a girlish laugh, "Oh, you're awake! How fun... For me, not You, little fragile human." I swallowed nervously, trying not to panic. "First," She decided slowly, "I shall show you who is in charge, that's me, if you were wondering." She purred, "And secondly, I shall prove to you that Caleb will always want me and NEVER a human like you." She moved toward her draw, pulling out a stainless steel knife. "So, pain? Do you know what it is?" I stared at the knife, starting to shake. I gagged against the gag, to her delight. "I guess you have a good idea," She smiled sweetly, tracing the knife with a long fingernail. I started to shake, and she advanced her mouth wide in a smile. She brung the knife up, and almost lovingly traced my neck line, causing scarlet beads of blood to appear. "I want to hear you scream, now." She sighed happily, then without warning, ripped the tape off my mouth, causing it to go raw and red. "You should know, I think, that Cal has a secret only I know. Let me say this, human, he will never TRULY love you." And she wiped the blood off the knife into my hair. I whimpered quietly, my neck pulsing and bleeding. "Enough play!" She decided coldly, and brung the knife down into my cheek. I screamed then, a loud, piercing scream that made her giggle in delight. "Louder!" She demanded, "I said SCREAM!" She sliced into my face randomly, making me scream into oblivion. A knock at the door made her stop. "Amber?" It was Cal's voice. She smiled to me, and put a finger to her lips. "Coming, Cal" She said loudly, "Just a minute," She dragged me by my hair, into her wardrobe, pushing the knife in to carve a hole for me to see through. She shoved the knife in with me, then slammed the door.  I watched the scene unfold numbly.

"Hey, babes." She trilled to Cal, he smiled shortly and looked around once. "She's not here, quit fretting." Amber said, rolling her eyes. Cal shrugged and took her hand gently, leading her to the bed. "Sure, I was just looking around. Thought I smelt her. Wouldn't fret over anyway," He joked, making my heart burn. "Lets just do it, I've been waiting all day, my love." Cal continued, sitting down on the bed. And they did. Do it. She popped her cherry, whatever you want to call it- and I watched from the wardrobe; not wanting to look, but not being able to look away. After the deed had been done and Cal had left; after dropping a kiss on her cheek, Amber let me out, her whole demeanour positive and smug. "I told you, he would NEVER want you. Now leave, and don't come back." I nodded numbly, was face burning with pain, my sight limited. She grabbed my arm roughly, "Don't tell anyone, and I shall let you live today." She said, like it was a huge favour. I nodded and she smiled, "Perhaps we'll become friends yet!" Then she laughed at her own joke. "Right, I'll let you out at the end of the road. If anyone asks, you were attacked then you feel unconscious. Mm, maybe its better if I dump you at the end of the road- more realistic- yes?" She asked smiling. I shook my head, "Let me... Go... I won't t-t-tell." I stuttered. She shrugged, then smiled, "Because I'm nice, I'll let you out at the end of the road by your house. But I'll knock you out for the time being." She brung the hilt of the knife down hard.

"Willow! My baby! What happened?" My mum sobbed. I just stared blankly forward. "Please, who did this to you?" She pleaded, stroking the multiple cuts on my face with a damp cloth. I shook my head, "It was confusing, I can't remember much. Can I rest, please?" I asked in a hoarse voice. She nodded, worried. "Of course, I'll check on you later." She said, kissing my forehead. I made my way upstairs glancing out of my window automatically, seeing a black wolf disperse into the woods. I collapsed crying.

Authors Note: That was so hard to write! Gosh, I got my friend to write most of it. Cheers Holls. -Parker

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