Day 10- Complications

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~~ Day 10 - Complications~~


Still Marisa's POV.

In a loping gait, I came to the mansion all the vampires were situated. Obviously, it was very classy and posh because the vampires were higher class. They wished their surroundings to be as beautiful as themselves which is nearly impossible. But only just, after all, a vampire here was a renown architect.

I opened the gate leading up to the picturesque house, with real honeysuckle draped over the doorway. When the postman comes, they always believe they've stepped into a fairytale- which is ironic since we're soulless bloodsucking monsters to put it bluntly. I opened the door- which was never locked even though there are precious, priceless, irreplaceable items in there. Probably because the thief was in more danger than us. Instantly, I was unnerved by the silence. Usually, you can hear soft mumblings of conversation, or a lilting voice. But no, nothing. I made my way into the meeting room because I had a suspicion they would be there, I hurried down the corridor and opened the great, looming impressive doors. Indeed, they were all sitting there silently, apprehensively.

"What has happened!' I exclaimed in worry. I was met with a regretful silence, and saw all their eyes were sorrowful and had changed from their usual colours. Mine diluted to a sharp, sad icy blue in apprehension.

"We have to send you away,Marisa." A voice finally announced softly. It was the elder, a beautiful middle aged lady who acted as a mother to us all.

"Why?" I asked, hurt by the comment. "I'm new. I haven't tried to cause trouble,"

"No! You're a lovely girl and its nothing against you. We need you to attend the school that the future Alpha goes to, and seduce him."

What. The. Fuck.

"I'm not a prostitute." I said flatly, "Plus, he's a mutt. It's obvious he will know I'm his natural enemy. Can't exactly shag him, can I?"

"Please, Marisa! Don't be so crude. Your over 100, why are you still so youthful?" She sighed.

"I'm not crude. I'm just stuck in this mentality." I muttered.

"Cut to the chase." A lilting voice said.

I looked curiously to the speaker.

"Your elder, Meredith, invited me. I am Thalia. My mother was a witch but my father was a vampire, thus creating a deadly creature. However, I am skilled in potionary and was invited here to concoct you a potion." She said, very lightly, very softly. Her head was tilted, surveying me carefully.

"I am also a mind reader so I could not help but answer your question." She added apologetically. "Anyway, this potion erases your memory of this coven for ten days. You may take more if your task is not fulfilled. You will only remember you are a vampire after the ten days and that it is the utmost secret. Your memory is erased incase the mutts catch wind of this. You will be entirely safe. Also, you will feel needs to go and flirt, speak and help Caleb who is the Alpha after the current one. Good luck, I will return." She murmered before leaving.

Meredith looked at me gently, "You will never be alone, we will watch out for you even if you don't realise." She smiled, "A little more than a week, that's all. And you'll be able to eat more than ever, not animal blood."She cajoled. I nodded,

"Anything." I agreed swiftly, biting my lip. Anything to be human.

How the complications grow, I thought wistfully.

"Indeed..." Whispered Thalia's sweet voice.

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