Day 15- Guilt

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Enjoy! Sorry for the shortness, but wanted to put something up to thank you for the amazing amount of support for this! -Parker

~~Day 15- Guilt~~ (Marisa's POV)

Caleb smiled at me thankfully, "I am a bit thirsty if truth be told," He told me taking the bottle. He took a long sip, quenching his thirst. "Thanks," He replied, passing the bottle back to me. I gave a guilty smile, and took the bottle.

"Right, lets get going then." I replied, walking away from him slightly, trying to keep a straight face on. Don't let him see you're feeling bad, don't let him see! I heard Thalia's voice mutter. I looked around surreptitiously for the source. Idiot. I'm a witch aren't I? I can hear your thoughts so I am here to remind you! Smile, okay? You're nearly there Marisa. I don't want you to die. I gulped at the harsh reality- if I didn't ruin Willow and Caleb I would die. It really was a matter of life and death.

I turned a corner, and Cal had managed to catch up with me- well, he was tall and athletic so he could easily beat me in a race so I had no hope to 'walk' away from him. "Oh look! They're there," I pointed out, holding the door for him, trying not to sound uneasy. Caleb nodded, his eyes faraway. He walked through the door, and I followed him. Thalia greeted us with a smile, which I returned with slight force.

"OKay! Marisa and I will nip to the Libary, but we'll meet up after school, yes?" Thalia asked, looking at Willow. Willow nodded and looked to Cal, "Sure, Thalia, we'll meet up at the local cafe?" She said, as Caleb nodded but didn't meet Thalia's piercing gaze. Thalia smiled, her face lighting up.
"Lovely!" She said, "We'll see you later, then." Thalia then strode off, and I followed quickly.

"Did you get rid of the bottle?" She hissed softly, which caused me to start.

"No, it's here," I told her, passing the bottle out of my bag where I had hastily stored it.

"I told you to get rid of it!" She sighed in despair, "But it doesn't matter, I'll do it. I just really don't want you to get hurt, you didn't sign up for this." She took the bottle and drained it as we walked onto the tarmac, it seeped down the edge and trickled down the tarmac like shed tears.

"So, what will happen?" I asked anxiously.

"Oh, it's already started, didn't you see his expression?" She said, breaking into a smile. "I truly believe you may live. Even after we've only had 20 Days to save a life, your life, her life. One will be saved and one will perish... I want it to be you who is saved." She sped up her walking. "Dress pretty tonight, okay?" She said, pushing the door open to the Libary. I opened my mouth to object; after all I didn't want to be responisble for someones death, but the strict Libararian pressed a pronounced finger to her lips.

************************* After School **********************************

I did as Thalia had instructed and waited for her by my locker. Indeed, she turned up a minute after the bell. "Right, lets go to your apartment." She said, which made me think.

"Where do you live?" I asked her curiously, knowing she did not board at the Coven place and didn't live with me; even though she had frequently let herself in.

She shrugged, "I don't sleep, so I have no need for a house. But I spend my spare time in a Cabin in the woods that had belonged to my mate." She said blanky, showing no emotion.

"Your mate?" I asked, my voice evidantly curious. "Where is he now?" I added, hoping she wouldn't mind me asking.

"I killed him. Now, lets get you home to dress to impress," She said softly, tears pricking her silver eyes.


"Okay..." I muttered, knowing she was in no mood to elaborate.

We walked in silence to my apartment. I fished out the keys out  of my bad and unlocked the door quickly. We walked up to my bedroom and she sat on the bed, legs swinging. "I brought my change of clothes in my bag, can I use your bathroom?" She asked. I nodded and she left quietly.

Meanwhile, I undressed, opting to wear a fitting skater skirt that was a royal blue that matched my eyes and the dipped ends of my curled hair. I pulled on a cropped black top that was cut off just before my navel. I slipped on some heeled boots and applied some lip balm, I turned and started. Thalia was sitting on my bed, in a completely different outfit without me noticing. "Your thoughts are overwhelmed with curiousity." She stated calmly. "If you really want to know I'll tell you. My mate never loved me as much as I loved him. He thought I was a mutt- a mutation made from the two most powerful creatures. He took me for granted and he cheated on me profusely. So I killed him in a fit of rage after he told me he wanted to break up. We were mates, but I was never enough. I later found out he had another mate, one who just as cold. She was called Luna and actually was faking to be mated to Caleb. I never knew what happened to her after I killed our mate. So... I want Caleb to be shown to Willow as he truly is. He is a cheater and will never love her like she deserves- like I loved my mate. Indeed, I like Willow, but I prefer you to be kept alive if I had to choose."

I was astounded and could not quite wrap my head around what had just happened. I stood there, shocked. "We better set off," She said calmly, as if she had not just uttered the most saddest story ever. I nodded, silenced, and we made our way out.

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