Day 19- Last Resort

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Authors Note: Okay, around 1-2 chapters left before Behind The Mask is started :) Please remember to vote and share and stuff C: Oh, and some old characters come back into action! (Photo of Willow at the side waiting)

~~~~Day 19- Last Resort~~~~

Marisa's P.O.V.


We set off toward the train station, since I was still human and Thalia could hardly use her magic or power in the middle of a town, we had to go the human way. The way that would be more easily susceptible to Meredith. I hurried along the platform with my head bowed, and accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry!" I muttered, trying to hurry over to Thalia, but strong arms captured me, causing me to wince.

"Oh, you will be." Someone agreed coldly.

Thalia turned back after me sharply, and I looked into the eyes of my captor. He gleefully looked at Thalia, "Oh and Miss Mutant is here as well!" He smirked, looking over.

We were transported to Meredith's 'house' an apartment similar to mine. For being a complete backstabbing bitch, she lived the upper class lifestyle. Funny, I always thought she lived at the Coven house. "Ah, Marisa! How good to see you, and Thalia too," She smiled cheerfully, as if greeting old friends.

"Cut to the chase, what's going to happen." I said bluntly, bracing myself for the worst. I noticed Thalia's eyes darting around in a frenzied fashion.

"Just as it happens, we have a good friend in another Pack. Alpha Jones? Yes, he's slipped some wolfbane into Caleb's meal. He should be able to be controlled now. So, all is not lost. However, you defied me! Yes, I know how Thalia explained everything, how you remember everything. No matter, you can do the job all the more better now." She beamed, "I'm so glad everything has worked out."

----Getting Ready To Put The Plan Into Action, AKA, A Cafe-----

"Are you ready?" Thalia asked me softly, looking at me through silver, sad eyes, whilst holding her cup.

"As I'll ever be." I replied dully, trying not to die of guilt and shame.

"Okay, Marisa. You just need to play along, I'll see if his wolf is drugged up enough so the human part of Caleb will mark you." Alex added, happily, as if discussing the menu for a diner, before taking a sip of his drink.

I swallowed and nodded, trying to calm my erratic breathing. I got out of my chair, and went to the desk to pay. I took out the money, and held my hand for the change, then went to sit back down again. I felt like a Robot, no emtions, I had used them all up; that's what it felt like. "It'll be okay, when I spoke with Willow she seemed such a cocky little cow, you're doing him a favour." Alex told me cheerfully, before getting up and sliding his coat on. "See you tonight then." He said, before leaving.

"Are you sure you can cope with this?" Thalia said softly to me, scrutinizing me with a gaze so piercing I had to look away.

"I have no choice, do I? And if I fail then we'll both be goners. I guess I'm lucky for getting this second chance." I replied coldly, before emptying the rest of my drink.

"Well, tomorrow on Day 20 of this whole debacle, you shall become a vampire again. And if you fail, we will go together, out of here. I shall protect you from Meredith and we will become a team. I've never burdened myself with this sort of thing before, but you're like my sister I never had." She said quietly, setting her mug down gently.

"Thank you," Was all that I could say back, I was at a loss for words.

We got up in silence, checking our bags and collecting our coats, and we too were off.

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