2|| 7 weeks

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Seven Weeks

I sat at the bar stool kitchen counter poking at my lumpy oatmeal like it was some type of science experiment. That I hope would just come alive and eat me, but it was just my brother's homemade lumpy oatmeal. Yet, I wasn't really that hungry. Not with all the stress that I've been under. Kaleb walked in the kitchen with his cup of coffee like a grown man he thought he was, "You alright over there, Brynn?"

I shot a glance over towards him trying to act a bit normal with all that was going on, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. You know just not feeling oatmeal this morning." Pushing my bowl away from me before I up chucked all over it. Not like it would have made a difference they look the same, chunky and disgusting.

He gave me an odd, but worried look. "You sure, you're feeling okay? You always eat my famous oatmeal."

"Yes, Kaleb. I'll just grab something on the way to the lacrosse field with Sarina."

"The lacrosse field? So, taking it she's back with Vince..."

I could hear the hurt and disappointment in his voice, "Yeah... Are you okay? I mean did something happen a couple weeks ago at the party?"

"Uh, no. She needs to live her life and I need to live mine."

I didn't want to make a big deal or cause a scene so giving him a slight nod is all I could at this point. Pushing myself off the bar stool heading out the front door to Sarina's car. "Ready?"

Sarina gave me a slight smile, "Yes because we're already late." As she hit the gas and sped off to the lacrosse field.


We arrived at the field after about ten minutes of annoying traffic. I got out of her car letting out a sigh before looking towards the field. I know it was only practice, but the nerves just hit me the wrong way. Eventually, Sarina pulls on my arm dragging me to the stands where we sat and watched the boys. That was until my eyes caught a glimpse of Jaden and Sarina's party came flashing back to me. I shifted my eyes to the other side of the field, which Sarina noticed my actions. "Brynn... Are you okay?"

I sighed putting my hand in the pocket of my hoodie, "I'm fine."

"Oh... Okay. Are you going to Benny's with Vince, Jaden and I after practice?"

My eyes grew wide, "Uh, Jaden is going?"

"He is Vince's best friend and remember he used to be ours as well."

She had a point, but I didn't want to face him. Not now. Not after that night or news. "Yeah. I'm down to go." I gulped glancing back at the field all nervous about what is going to happen at lunch, oh dear I'm so screwed.

Practice lasted for about an hour after our conversation, which I was freezing cold due to it being mid-February and it was like sixty degrees outside. So, heading to Benny's for some warmth didn't seem like a bad idea. We took the normal booth by the entrance. I glanced down at my lap for majority of the time avoiding eye contact with Jaden at this point. He would look up from his phone once or twice to look at me, but it was awkward. Awkward because I was pregnant with his baby, but I wasn't getting it hundred percent confirmed until Monday evening.

Sarina then started to break the ice a little, "So, Brynn! When is your first volleyball match?"

She smiled kindly at me as a bit my bottom lip, "Uh, next Friday actually, but I might not play. Which isn't a big deal because it's not the real thing. Only a pre-match." My eyes traveled over to Jaden, then back to Sarina.

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