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I woke up from a deep sleep, feeling a large lump in my throat. My skin was basically clammy and sweat was dripping down my face. Something didn't feel right. My feet hit the floor in seconds, then before I knew it was dangling my head over the toilet, puking my guts out. When it all started to settle down, my whole body was shaky including my legs. Which caused me to lean back against the wall just trying to piece everything together. Was it the Chinese, Sarina and I had yesterday? No, because I never get sick from there. Tilting my head back, I closed my eyes shut just trying to breathe slowly. Something else had to have caused this. Not just the food. Oh, I shouldn't have thought about food. I pushed myself forward throwing up more. This point, I couldn't even catch my breath. Then once it finally hit me causing me to push off the toilet once more. No, I couldn't be. Am I...Pregnant?

Six weeks ago

The alarm clock buzzed directly in my ear causing me to smack the snooze button. As my body twisted to the other side, pulling the blankets over my head to avoid the sun light. By that time, my older brother, Kaleb, barged into my room without a simple knock. "What the hell Brynn! We're going to be late if you don't get your ass moving in the next thirty minutes. Along with your little friend being here for the past twenty minutes. She is driving me crazy! So, get moving before I strangle her."

Pushing the blankets off my face, then slowly sat up. "Sarina? Sarina, is driving you crazy?!"

"Yes! I mean, she's fine as hell, but damn does she have a mouth on her!" He blurted out.

I rolled my eyes slightly, "Why are you like this? You have been so obsessed with her since the fifth grade. Once, she starts talking, you freak out and lose all interest. Yet, you still want to get in her pants even if taping her mouth was an option. Whatever though. Get out so I can please get ready. Just entertain her for a few more minutes before I can get down there."

When Kaleb left the room, he slammed the door behind him. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself up to start off my day. Even though, all I wanted to do was lay in bed for most the day. To start off my morning decided to begin with a warm/hot shower to sooth the muscles from volleyball practice yesterday. Coach really pushed us over the limits for getting back in shape for the season. Once, finished with the relaxing shower I moved my way to the closet to pull on some normal day clothes for the day. I took a glimpse in the mirror observing myself and the outfit that I had chosen. At that time, Kaleb had yelled up the stairs to me one last time. Guess Sarina really is getting to him. Which it caused me to laugh a little bit before yelling out, "Coming!"

I reached over grabbing my brown/tan leather purse and jogging down the staircase. "See! I'm done. Now, stop your whining." I stated towards my brother, then turned my head looking over at Sarina. "Let's go before my brother has a bitch fit!"

She agreed as my brother and she followed me to my grey 2018 jeep wrangler. As all three of us headed down the road, Sarina spoke up. "So, are you both coming to my party tonight? It's supposed to be the biggest one all year!"

My brother didn't even hesitate with his answer, "Oh, I'm so down!"

"Brynn? What about you?"

I gripped tight on the steering wheel, "I'll go, if he won't be there."

"I'm not sure if he'll be there or not, but Brynn it happened months ago. Can't we just move past this."

Glancing up in the rear-view mirror seeing Kaleb not even making any eye contact with me or Sarina. I let out a sigh, "It's really hard to let it go, okay. He basically drugged my drink mid-party and almost took advantage of me if it wasn't for..."

The life changerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz