Chapter 35

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Song of the chapter 

Ariana Grande :-God is a Women.


Chapter 35

Regan POV:- 

I am looking at Cayden like he must have grown another head. Baffled at the idea that someone so smart could be approaching something so stupid.

No scratch that I was looking at both of them, like both of them have grown two or three heads at once.

These silly goods for nothing egoistic men are deciding my fate for me.

Both of them fighting on who would get the chance to date me first and planning my schedule like mini secretary, while Im sitting in the background hyperventilating over the fact that I was becoming their lab rat when I should be preparing for my finals.

"Regan baby why don't you tell him that you want to go on date with me first," Cayden asked. approaching me with that shiny look of faith in his eyes. Taking my hand in his he kissed my palm trying to gain my affection. Whereas I was looking at his cussing him in all the possible language known to man but I didn't realize I was doing all of this inside my head.

Alex saw what he was doing and snatched my hand pulling me toward him. He encircled his arm around me. covering me from don't know who.

"You better stop touching my wife if you want to keep your arms intact Mr. Woods." He seethed. He placed his finger below my chin lifting it to meet his eyes.

"Love, why don't you tell this man here that I am the one who would take you out first'. My jaw opens then closed and repeat. Then I felt Cayden arms capturing my shoulder pulling me back however I couldn't move because Alex's arms tighten around my waist.

None of them looking at me but glaring at each other. It was getting too hard to breath. Too hard for me to understand the fact that these two highly educated males were acting like barbarians fighting over me like I was some rare precious piece of meat. Not some living being but some object that they can claim. After their constant bickering from the past five minute my patience had enough, I've had enough.

"SHUTTTTTT UPP, Shut the bloody hell up both of you' I screamed on top of my lungs pushing Alex's hands off my waist and Cayden's from my shoulder. They both finally stopped their bickering and looked at me.

"How could you both do this to me, What the f*ck am I to you? Huh? Some property? A random whore? Did you find me on the street?" I asked both. Glaring from my left to right. My anger was pouring out in gazillion tons of heat from my eyes.

"You both came barging in my life at different times, both claiming to love me for me, but who the f*ck gave you or any man standing in the world a right to decide who a woman should or should not date?" I screamed.

"Are you my father?" I asked pointing my finger toward Alex to which he couldn't answer. "Are you my brother?" I asked now pointing my finger to Cayden, he also could not answer so he looked down not able to meet my eyes.

"You men think that it's ok to run a woman's life, it's ok to force her to do things that she doesn't want, but it not," I said my voice breaking in the end.

"You know why left you, Alex?" I questioned. His eyes lost their anger and a look of guilt flashed across them. However, I didn't wait for his answer.

"I left you because you think you own me, No scratch that.. you believe you own me," I said. by now my hands were shaking from all the pint up anger coming out.

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