Chapter 3

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Hi Guys here you go with the next chapter.

Song of the chapter is Feeling good by Micheal Buble



Being sleep deprived is one thing but being sleep and love deprived is another thing. Drinking all day in hope to find her and living sleep less and having zero to no sleep at night has left Alex completely drained.

Days after days has passed on his calendar but no clue has been found about the missing person until one day..

*** Eight weeks after the accident***

It was regular day.

In Alex dictionary, another day where he wakes up, drink some Bourbon, then eat something then do some mooring, weeping like a slug and then go back drink some more, by six go back to find something to eat, drink a bit more then by eleven somehow he finds his bed and go to the restless sleeping.

Everything till eight on that morning was same. His mother was trying to talk to him and he was on his third or second glass of whiskey. Their doorbell rang and with a loud bang and cursing roman appeared in front of Alex looking completely out of breath. Beads of sweat pouring down his head looking like a truck rammed him over. Behind him was Alex father and his mother who looks like she was about to break down and cry.

Alex stood up confused.

"What going on?" he asked to Roman who was still out of breath and was chocking like a fish out of water when his father step up to Alex. He took Alex hands and pulled him in a hug. Still having no clue on what was going on Alex tried to push his father back when his father pulled away himself and said the words.

"We found her son. He said turning everything chaotic in Alex life.

*12.36 AM. I hour away from Huston Texas*

It was past midnight we were still in the flight and we still have a hour or so left before we land. The flight was long and I was beyond tired still we made it through the flight just few minutes more and I would be close enough to her.

During the flight, my mind keeps playing the ways I would meet her again. What would I say. How would she react. Although it seems easy in my brain to just go up to her door and ring the bell I know in reality it will be as hard as moving a mountain with your hands.

While I was struggling with her thoughts in my mind, Roman was sleeping like a knocked-out alien right next to my seat. At one point, I was close to pushing him out of his seat because his loud snoring has made a lot of passengers lest say Not-Very-Happy. The Kid sitting in the backseat was annoying me with his continuous kicking my seat and the flight attendants were down right rude and to top It all we were delayed by two hours due to some flight rush or something.

You should be wondering how I "Alexander William" the CEO of one of the biggest Empire Which Deals in "shipping and moving business around the world" got here now don't you?

*Thirteen hours Ago, *

"We found her son." Alex dad whispered in his ears.

Alex body paralyzed after hearing those words. A rush of light and happiness made him suddenly step back and look around in shock. Eyes wide and a warm feeling of something called love and joy covered his heart. He couldn't find more words to ask, how? and when? Before his keens gave out under him. His dad caught him before he falls and made him sit on the stool again.

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