Chapter 14

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Hi all

Here goes the next chapter. i hope you like it

Song Of The chapter:- Miley cyrus :Two more lonely people


The moment I was in the hall, the feeling that, this was not the first time, I walked away from Alex became more prominent, I had to lay down on whatever I found. Which right now was a couch. I laid there for don't know how long.

Feeling of guilt crawling up my spine. I know, I just performed a big Fat stunt back there, but that was not me, I don't have the bodily confidence to do such things!, the person Regan Oxford was supposedly, a spit fire with tongue like a blade, not some confident women.I never had guts to strip myself and use my femininity against men's.

"He changed me" My brain screamed at me. I know this was a foul accusation coming from someone like me, but no one fits better to blame, then Alexander William at this point. I don't have a big chunk of memories in my brain. It was like my system has corrupted, instead of deleting few selected memories, it has formatted almost a year worth of data!.

I exhale a sigh, I could not do anything, but wait till it all comes back. I heard our room door open and close. His footsteps on the floor were loud enough, like he is intending to announce his arrival to next world or so. His footsteps stopped next to the couch I was laying on.

I pretended, I was asleep. Well to my defense I tried. ........ Hard!!!!.

"I know you are awake!." I grumbled. Only on the inside

I have had enough for the day, and him coming here, trying to talk to me, in the middle of my thinking session, is not going to work. So, as a wise person I am I did not reply.

"Listen, I don't know what part of your memories has come back, but that person you know from your past is not me love. (I rolled my eyes at that, only of the inside!!!)

"I have changed. I have become a completely new person. I am willing to give you time of your life, makeup for every single mistake that I have once made. I will not back down'. His words were like a story of wisdom. Boring and cringe worthy. I stopped listing till I heard him say

"Not now!!!! Not ever!!!!." (Oh thank god.)

(How cliché) I seriously want to laugh at him for 'his big dam speech'.

It was like, he was giving his big presentation on "things I have ruined in past, and my plan to save them". Note to the sarcasm here.

I felt his hands clutch mine. I jumped at sudden cold sensation. My eyes open, even in the dim light of of moon I could see his eyes. My heart start thudding in its cage. (Oh boy).

Quickly taking my hand back from his grasp I tried to move away.

"Please" he pleaded, blocking my yet another escape.

"I am sorry love. After you went missing, I realised, what a douch I was to you. How heartless I have become, I promised myself, that if I, ever found you again, I will make up to you, for every mistake I have ever made.

His apologies seemed genuine

(As a forgiving person my mother raised me to be, I forgave him)

"Ok, I accept your apology. Not because of what you said or did, but take it as a last chance Alex, I am giving you one last chance to make up your mind." His shoulder relaxed, Alex let out a breath.

Nodding his head like a five-year-old,he came forward to catch me in a hug.

"I promise I will do anything and everything in my power to make thing up to you love. Even if I have to serve you with my life." He said kissing the crown of my head.

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