Chapter 33

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This chapter is not at all edited so of you find mistakes. I apologize in advance

Song of the chapter:- princess dont cry by aviva


The next morning was sore. For my eyes and my brused up ego. It was neither my intention to go on campus, neither was it gods wish.

I woke up with a massive head ache and stomach cramps, the moment i rolled over i saw cayden sitting next to my bed reading a book.

"A walk to remember"

My eyes nearly popped out of there socket due to two reason:-
1):- During the night i had almost remove all my clothing due to high body temperature so i was practically naked under the cover.

2:- Cayden is reading a romantic novel!!!!!

(Did i ever mention how much cayden hates romantic novels)!!!

Okkk... Here is told you now.

"Cayden!!" i called his name out but he was too engrossed with the book that he hasn't noticed me being awake. However what i didn't expect was his response.

The princess over here raised her one finger still now looking up from the book halting my words in my mouth.

My eyes went wide when he flipped from middle to last page and read it through, shut the book with a huff and threw it in the garbage can next to my bed.

"What the hell!!! How come people get fascinated with this crap??" He questioned me like i wrote the book. Huffing and grumbling like a five year old.

He got up from his chair making his way toward bed. "Have you ever read that book?" He asked.

However my mind didn't acknowledge the question because it was too busy processing that (cayden just removed his shirt and shoes, which mean now any moment he will climb in bed with me.)

Did i mention i was naked to you already!!!!! My brain blaired all alarms on high aleart and some devils hit my head into action... Because the moment cayden kneeled to pull the cover and make his space, i cluched it tight and screamed.

I wasn't too loud, just enough to scare him because he was still rambling over (how two hours of his precious life got wasted over a damed chick flick).

He froze.

"You cant come in here cay, i.. Uhhh... Am not decent" the moment i said those words i wanted my bed to open some non existent jaws and swallow me whole.

(Indecent....!!!! Really regan!! Couldn't you come up with something more classic then 'indecent')

I am a 100% sure my face was now red as tomato due to my choice of vocabulary.

Cayden on the other end was no different. He looked kida embarrassed. He pulled he hand back and pushed them in his jean pocket. Looking like a armani model.

"What do u mean indicent ray?" He smirked when he realized what i was actually saying.

I mantally face palmed my self because, cayden was a guy!!! How could u forget that!!!

Even though he is a well mannered one, i was currently his girlfriend. Which means sooner or later he would expect me to be more close to him then friends status.

I had to comeup with some excuse before he could pull the cover but lord must have heard my call, the moment i open my mouth to splur out some crap we both heard some girl loud excited scream from out side.

Footsteps could be heard from the other of side of my drome. Cayden retrieve his footsteps to check what happened. He was about to pull the door knob, when it flung open.

Standing on the other side was non other then Alex. Fresh out of shower with his best suit on and a 'fuck me and i fuck with your life' expression on.

I cussed my self and the zeus Almighty.

(One day of dayoff!!! Was i asking too much?? Cant you leave me happy and cuddling in my bed for one day?)

Suddenly my head ache became ten times worst.

There stood my husband on my drome threshold in his 'i mean busness mode' and my current boyfriend in the middle of the room shirtless, and then there was was me, 90% naked on the bed holding the sheets like my life depend on it.

If this isn't some high class fu*ked up kkw drama then i dont know what is.

Kim k take lessons!!

Alex eyes went from my face to cayden half dressed body then to me again. By now i was guessing he would turn and leave, but did i mention that ( god was being cheeky bastard today).

Alex stepped forward, closing to door behind him. Gave cayden his 'expain in 10 words or you are dead' look and sat down where cayden was sitting few moments ago.

"What the hell Mr Williams or whatever is your name, you cant just barge in my girls room like that" cayden said being the slowest poke in the entire universe. I just closed my eyes because i just cant bare what is about to happen next.

"Oh, so now i have to take your permission to meet my wife preety boy" Alex said. If my eyes were open i would have seen cayden confused look but i cant open them now. It would be too much to take.

"I dont understand sir?" Cayden said being polite. However i know this politness is soon be out of the window.

When alex didn't say anything for a while cayden cut the silence. His chuckle broke my heart because i know for sure now, that would be the last time i would hear that voice.

Guilt made me open my eyes and sit up. Covering meself the best i could i saw the worst unfold.

"What you failed to understand preety boy is that, that women over there is my wife. So until you have some connection in law i highly recommend you to scurry off or i will show you why people fear me in the business world".....

Dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn

So what you think will happen now??

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