Lost City of the Originals, Part 20

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The cracked, melted remains of the iceball transport lays discarded far behind Floe, Eric, Olphina, Dan and Bollingsworth as they walk up a narrow foot path between magnificent trees.

They walk out of the forest and come to a precipice that overlooks a wide valley below them. Bryce Canyon. This natural amphitheater is filled with hundreds of canyons and gorges all bearing the trademark of this famous site, walls of sandstone etched by winds and waters of the ages. These natural forces have created cathedral-like spires and towers that rise up out of the canyon and point toward the heavens.

The canyon infuses Dan with energy, "One of God's better works of art. Floe, if you could spare me that Focal Stone, I got somethin' I want to try out."

"Sure, here," she hands him the amulet and turns to Bollingsworth. "Where will we find this Guardian?"

Olphina answers, her voice tempered with new respect for Floe, "This is the Wind Desert. If Frayel so instructed, then here the Guardian must dwell."

Bollingsworth agrees, "Bryce Canyon, as we Walkers call it. Amazing, and those distinctive shapes are called Hoodoos, formed by wind, water, and ice erosion of the river and lake bed sediment. Or at least that is what I was taught at University. However; the Soilers say it is the remains of the Lost City of the Originals."

Bollingsworth points to one of the peaks. "There, I can read that! 'In the stomach', no, CENTER, in the center of ALL or EVERYTHING ..."

Floe is fascinated. "What are you reading?"

"...'is the Beginning and the End'."

Dan gets it, "He's reading those cliff walls, the etchings of the wind and water."

Olphina is impressed with Bollingsworth attempts to read the lore, decides that Walkers are made of more stuff than she was lead to believe, "Tis sooth. Throughout the World are the lore of the Originals, written on cliffs of stone in a most difficult language. Mr. Bollingsworth is truly a scholar of great skill."

Bollingsworth continues to stumble his way through the ancient writings. "... 'is the beginning and the end. Always go that way,' no, it says, 'All ways, or paths, go there'."

Eric asks, "What does it mean?"

Bollingsworth starts leading the group forward, "It means 'All roads lead to Rome'. I know where to find the Guardian, if there really is a Guardian."


Bollingsworth leads the group through tight, narrow canyons. Sandstone walls tower above them giving the impression that they are walking through a giant maze of twisting corridors and blind alleys. Dan is falling far behind, still struggling with his wound from the lava blast. "I'm pretty much beat and it's gonna' be mighty dark out here at night. I say we make use of this bluff and make camp," says Dan.

As Dan lays down without waiting for confirmation of his plans from the rest of the group Bollingsworth reads another cryptic wind writing on the cliff next to them, "According to this, the Center is not much further. Everyone rest here, I will scout ahead."

"I shall accompany you," says Olphina.

Bollingsworth and Olphina venture forward. The others don't complain and Floe and Eric collapse like a couple of sandbags on the ground next to Dan.

"Dad! Your wounds ... they're almost healed." says Eric, disbelief clouding his face as he further pulls his father's shirt off his back and examines the wounds that are now healed over. Eric looks over at Floe for answers.

"Don't look at me, I can't do that," says Floe.

"Then what the heck?" asks Eric of no one in particular.

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