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(Tine pov)
Omg I'm so done with Sarawat how does everyone like him!!!Ever since I asked him to be my Fake boyfriend he has been on my ass since."Tine do this,Tine do that" I can't take it anymore I'm going to confront him! I went to his faculty building and waited by the door.When I saw Sarawat I went up to him and then was about to speak until he cut me off."Ah Tine I need you to go get me a coffee.",Sarawat ordered."And why should I you have only been using me this entire time!",I yelled at him.He just blankly stared at me."What is it!",I yelled at him.He snatched my wrist and said,"Quit yelling were in public."I snatched my wrist out of his grasp."Why should I listen to you..",I said then he replied,"Because I'm pretending to be your boyfriend idiot."I huffed.the only reason I got into this mess was because of this clingy guy that had an obsession with me,Green."Well fine then what coffee do you want!",I asked him."I want a frappe with no cream.",Sarawat replied.I then left to go get his coffee.

Who does that bastard think he is King of Thailand ugh! Just because he has his own Fan club doesn't mean he can go around bossing people around!What a jerk..When I arrived at the Cafe I ordered what Sarawat wanted and then left to the school where I left him.When I got there I couldn't find him.What the hell where did he go?!Then I felt a hand on my mouth."Took you long enough.",Sarawat said as he covered my mouth with his hand.I mumbled and removed his hand."You jerk always Teasing me,here take your coffee!",I said angrily."Are you mad?",Sarawat said taking the coffee.Am i mad really thats what he asks am I mad!"Really do you want your head on my wall!",I threaten as I see him smirk."Your cute when your angry.",He says as he walks away.IM GONNA KILL HIM-

The next day I go up to my two friends Pharm(until we meet again)and Third(Theory of love)."Guys what should I do Sarawat is a complete jerk to me but I need him to be my fake boyfriend.",I complain to them as I sit down on a bench next to Pharm."Do you know why he's bullying you?",Third asks."No I have no idea.",I say.Third and Pharm look at each other."What! What is it?",I ask.They both look at me."bro..I think he might have feelings for you.",Pharm says."What thats impossible Him have feelings for me hah",I say back."Well maybe you can
try to make him jealous or flirt with him just to be sure he doesn't have real feelings for you",Third suggests."Yeah maybe we can set up a girl to hang out with you and we can see his reaction.",Pharm continues.

My face lit up."Thats a great idea!",I said but then soon I frowned."How is that supposed to make the teasing stop?",I asked."Well you see people that tease people in a playful matter usually means they like them idiot you know nothing.",Third says."Oh your right so when are we gonna start the plan.",I get up confidently."Tomorrow, tell P'Sarawat to meet on the field we are going to ask P'Pear to help us.",Pharm says."Okay!",I say then think Finally I'm gonna get my revenge!

A/n:Sorry this chapter was short But They will be longer in the future and Yes I'm using Khai and Third(Off and Gun) from Theory of love and Dean and Pharm(Ohm and Fluke) from Until we meet again.Totally recommend you watch those dramas.Anyway thank u for reading love❤️

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