Chapter Thirty Four

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Unknown, 2018, mid-afternoon

"AJ!" Baileys voice echoed through the apartment. "Do you know where my phone is?"

"No," Alex yelled through her bed room door as she got dressed.

"Have you looked in your room?" Alex heard Natasha ask from the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah. I've looked everywhere and I can't find it." Bailey replied as Alex walked out into the main room. She took one glance at Bailey before giving a small laugh.

"What?" The dirty blonde asked.

"Nothing." Alex stifled her laughs and wrapped her arms around Natasha waist. She gave the now short blonde haired girl a kiss on her cheek before whispering, "how long do you think it will take her to realize it's in her hand?"

"I saw we give it about five minutes." Natasha answered as she ran her fingers through Alex's long blonde hair.

Alex had decided after she woke up that she would let her hair grow out into its natural blonde state. Now her hair was grown out past her shoulder blades. The only indication that her hair had been purple was the ends that she had yet to cut off.

"Oh, I found it!" Bailey exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen.

"Where was it?" Alex asked as she stirred the pot of noodles on the stove.

"Uh, it was, um, between the couch cushions." Bailey stammered over her lie. "Yeah, no idea how it got there."

"Really? Are you sure it wasn't in your hand?" Natasha questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"What? No! Why would I be looking for it if it was in my hand?" The girl scoffed as she walked to her room.

"What are we ever going to do her?" Alex questioned as she once again wrapped her arms around Natasha.

"Hope she never decided to move off on her own." Natasha joked.

"That or hope she finds someone who can put up with her." The two women shared a kiss before diving into small small talk.

Natasha continued to make the macaroni that Bailey had requested as Alex moved to set the table. Natasha had moved the finished late-lunch, early-supper, to the table as Alex went to grab Bailey. Alex and Bailey walked back into the seating area to see Natasha staring at her phone.

"What's wrong, Nattie?" Alex questioned as she moved towards the woman.

"Wanda missed her check in." She simply stated.

"Which means...what?" Bailey questioned from her seat as she shoveled macaroni in her mouth.

"Which means we have to go find her." Natasha informed as she walked away to her and Alex's shared room.

"Get your stuff together." Alex ordered as she followed after Natasha. She opened the door to their room to she Natasha pacing the floor. She walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll find her, bring her back and all will be okay."

"Yeah, its just." She paused to sigh. "She knows how dangerous it is to be out and away from everyone."

"I know and I'm sure she does but she's young. She wants to live a rebellious life that she never got to live as a teen." Alex paused to think. "Did Steve day where she went?"


"Well then, we better pack." Alex said as she moved to get a duffle bag. She packed a couple changes of clothes for them and the rest of their necessities before leaving to inform Bailey.

"Hey, is your stuff packed?" Alex knocked on her door before walking in.

"Yeah, it on my bed." Bailey replied walking out of her closet.

"Good, be ready in five. We are going to Scotland." Alex left the room with a groaning Bailey and went to finish packing.

Five minutes later the three girl were making their way down to a car that Steve was waiting in. Natasha sat in the front seat while Alex and Bailey sat in the back. Bailey continued to eat her bowl of macaroni as Steve speed away from the apartment building.

"Sam is going to meet us at the quinjet the we are heading of to Scotland to retrieve Wanda." Steve informed the girls.


As an express train passes behind Wanda, Steve and Alex move to stand in the shadows. Confused that one of the aliens is glancing behind her, Wanda also turns and looks over her left shoulder. As the last train car passes, Wanda catches site of two silhouetted figures. The half blue aliens throws her weapon at the shadowy figures, but it is caught midair just before it could collide with them. Alex moves the weapon to her hand as they step out of the shadows.

Vision and Wanda had a hopeful and relieved look etched on their faces. While the aliens are distracted, Sam swoops in and kicks the female alien across the platform and through the closed cafe's security gate and furniture. Swooping around, he fires small missiles on the male.

At the same time, Alex throws the weapon to Natasha who is running for the male, ducking under his swing, stabbing him in the gut and round house kicking him to knock him backwards. As Natasha prepares to stab him the weapon is take from her hand and flown back to the female alien.

The female alien moves to attack Natasha but Steve leaps forward, rolls, and picks up the males dropped weapon and holds her off. As Natasha joins in with her own weapons, Alex moves to help Wanda and Vision.

"Hey you okay?" Alex questioned as she assesses Visions injury.

"Maybe," the British voice responded with a groan.

"Their weapon stopped him from phasing. I tried to use my magic to patch the wound but it wound work." Wanda informed as she grabbed Visions hand.

"Bailey, get a medical kit on standby for Vision." Alex instructed into her ear piece.

"Aye, Aye, Captain." Bailey voice responded through the ear piece.

"Get up." Alex heard the female aliens order to the male as Steve, Sam, and Natasha stood over them.

"I can't." He responded weakly.

"We don't wanna kill you. But we will." Natasha spoke to the two.

"You'll never get the chance again." The female responded before summoning a blue beam to lift them up. The males weapon that was still on Steve's hand was also thrusted up by the beam. They watch as a space ship flys away, leaving them in the empty train station.

"Can you stand?" Sam asked Vision as they made their way over. With the help of Sam and Wanda, Vision rose from his spot of the ground.

"Thank you, Captain." Vision spoke in a distorted voice.

"Let's get you on the jet." Steve says with a nod.

"I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances." Natasha stated as she closed the door to the guinjet. Bailey was try her best to dress Visions wound and Alex was helping Sam Pilot the jet.

"I'm sorry. We just wanted time." Wanda quietly spoke.

"Where to, Cap?" Sam questioned as Natasha sat in a seat beside Alex before glancing at Steve.

"Home." He shortly said.

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