Chapter Twenty Four

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Unknown, 2015, next morning at a safe house

"Xandria. Alex. Hey, wake up. Come on. I need you to wake up."

Alex whipped her head around to find where the voice had come from. This time it was a female voice, one she was very familiar with. She walked closer to the redhead that was standing a few feet away from her.

"Alex, I need you to wake up. You're in a dream."

Alex shook her head trying to stop the memories but couldn't as the scene changed. She frantically looked around for Natasha but didn't see her.


Alex screamed out trying to find where she had gone. She didn't know that Natasha would actually hear her in the real world.

"Alex! Come on, you can do it."

She felt a tingle on her cheek as the world around her started flickering. She blink trying to get it to go away but it stopped after a few seconds. She tried again, willing herself to break out of her own mind.

"Come on. I believe in you, Alex."

The world flickered again as Alex tried attaching herself to Natasha's mind. The ground shook as she finally attached to Natasha. She closed her eyes shaking her head before opening them again.

"Natasha?" Alex's voice came out dry.

"Yeah. I'm here, I'm here. It's okay," Natasha replied helping the girl sit up. The wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders in a hug that they never wanted to end.

"Where are we," Alex asked when she saw the trees and open field through the window of the jet.

"Clint brought us to a safe house. Come on, there are some people you need to meet," Natasha said grabbing the girl's hand, leading her out of the jet.

"Who," The blonde asked as they walked up the gravel path towards a farm-style house.

"You'll see." That was all the redhead said before leading Alex into the house. She never dropped the blonde's hand, which gave Alex comfort.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up. We've been waiting for six hours," Tony said as he stood up from the couch.

"Six hours," Alex asked in confusion.

"Yeah, you were out for a long time. The girl seemed to hit you the hardest out of everyone," Clint said as he walked around the corner with a very pregnant woman in tow. "Alex, this is my wife Laura. Laura, this is Alex."

"Hi." The woman greeted reaching her hand out.

"Hello." Alex greeted back shaking her hand. She heard two pairs of footsteps running down the hall followed by laughter before two young kids ran around the corner.

The younger girl was first being chased by the older boy. The girl ran behind Alex's leg, grabbing on to them like she was trying to hide. The boy stopped before he got to Alex, giving her a wary look when he realized he didn't know her.

"Cooper, Lila. This is Alex. Alex, these are my kids Cooper and Lila," Clint introduced once more.

"Hi." Alex heard a small giggle from behind her.

"Come on, Lila," Cooper said as he ran away from the group and into a different room.

"Follow me, Alex. I'll show you to our room and you can freshen up," Natasha said leading the girl once more.

"Our room," She asked as she tried to get the blush away from her cheeks.

"Yep. We had to double up since they don't have enough rooms for everyone. I figure it made the most sense for us to share," Natasha explained as she lead the girl into the room. She pointed to the bathroom that was connected before pointing to a pair of clothes that she could wear before walking out of the room, leaving the door cracked.

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