"Mina, right?" a voice asked making me jump. I was so caught up in my feelings I barely noticed someone joined me at the bar. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I looked up to see Mingyu, "It's fine, it was my fault I was day dreaming." I said making him chuckle. "I am Mina and you're Mingyu, right?"

"Guilty." he smiled. 

"So, what brings you to the bar?" I asked. "It seemed like you were having fun back there."

He sighed, "Hardly, I never met any of those girls until tonight. I thought it was going to be a guys night out." he explained. "I had to escape so when I saw you head to the bar I took my chance."

"I'm glad I could help." I said. 

"What are you drinking?" he asked. 

"I'm like 9 shots in of soju so just water, right now." I answered showing him the water bottle Hoseok forced me to drink.  "You?"

"It was soju first then they started taking tequila shots." he cringed. "I needed a little break." 

I laughed, "Yugyeom can get a little carried away with mixing alcohol." I said. "I remember the first time I drank with him, I almost blacked out."

"I only ever played video games or ate dinner with them so the first time I drank with them, Eunwoo had to help carry me home." he chuckled. "My tolerance went up because of them."

"Same." I nodded. "I would throw up after like 3 shots."

"For someone who's 9 shots in, you seem sober as a judge." he pointed out. 

I shook my head, "Trust me, the room is spinning a little." I could feel it in the pit of my stomach, I was on fire. If I were to move too fast I would definitely throw up. I've been sipping on the water to help sober me up and so far it's only slightly helping. 

"Getting up and even walking over here felt like a marathon." he said making me laugh. "But it kinda feels good, you know?"

"You feel like the room is jumping but it also feels like you're floating?" I asked. 

"Yes!" he nodded. "Exactly like that."

"We're going to regret this tomorrow." I said looking up at him.

He was beautiful and he was tall, almost unreal. We both just looked at each other and it was like we thought the same thing because suddenly we were leaning towards each other. His lips were inches away from mine. The adrenaline from the alcohol and fire in my stomach made my heart beat so fast but it gave me this sudden courage. 

"Wait," I said stopping him. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

He looked down at me confused, "Me? No, I don't have a girlfriend." he answered. "That would be awkward if I did, I was hitting on you the whole time."

"You're single?"

"Yes, very single." he stated. "Why?"

"J-Just making sure." I said making him chuckle. 

"Now that we got that out of the way, should we continue?" he asked. 

"Most definitely." 

I knew I shouldn't have been kissing him. It felt wrong but also I really enjoyed it. He was a great kisser, very gentle and sweet. Sober Mina would flip the fuck out and push him off but drunk Mina didn't have a care in the world. In the back of my mind I was thinking about Jungkook and it made me feel guilty but I pushed those thoughts away as Mingyu placed his hand on my waist pulling me off the seat and flush against him. He was so tall, I was standing between his leg. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. I knew I was going to probably regret this tomorrow but right now, it felt so good. 

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