There was everything right about Josh and everything wrong with me for checking him out so shamelessly while my boyfriend stood beside me.

Maybe I was just as bad as Josh. Actually, I think I could confirm that. I was as bad as Josh. There was no way I could possibly deny that.

Despite the qualms I experienced, I willingly followed Noah and continued to talk to him during the journey as if nothing was wrong. Well, I suppose much wasn't wrong. After last week when I confided in Josh that I didn't feel as though Noah was the guy for me, this past week has proven me wrong. Noah's been genuine with me and we call some evenings and talk before we go to bed.

I just wasn't experiencing that push that made me want to sleep with him.

That I suspected was just a barrier I would have to complete. How, I don't know.

At Noah's—a small but respectful two-up two-down house—he offered me a drink almost immediately. Accepting, I asked for a soda. When he returned to me in the lounge, I was astonished to see him clutching a bottle of beer, though I don't know why I expected different. He could drink whatever he desired.

Last time I was at Noah's house was my first time at his. We stuck on a movie after dinner and somehow ended up in his bed, though we barely took it past the stage of shedding our clothes, much less intimately touching one another. Clearly, I had some unresolved issues leeching onto me from my past, curling tightly around my bones and joints and manipulating their movements, but I just wasn't ready to fuck him.

And tonight, I was adhering to that same sentiment. I wasn't going to fuck Noah tonight.

We stuck on some random Netflix movie I didn't even bother learning the name of because it didn't seem that interesting before turning to one another. By this point Noah had quickly drained his bottle of beer while I'd only taken sips from the soda that were both deposited on the small coffee table in front of us.

Noah brazenly slipped his arm around my shoulders, creating a warm fluttering feeling to blossom in my stomach. As I turned to him, a blush creeping up to mar my cheeks, his lips twitched into a smirk before he leaned in.

His lips were soft against mine and while I abhorred the taste of beer, it wasn't overpowering enough for me to cease kissing him, even when he slipped his tongue through the seams of my lips and across my tongue. While one hand knotted in my hair, the other fell softly against my thigh just like he had done when we were in the Shake Shack. His hand seemed to sear against my scorching skin, but I cherished the contact as it tantalised me further.

Clueless to how long we'd been kissing for, he drew back, resting his forehead against mine and gazing at me through half-lidded eyes, almost obscuring his teal eyes completely, but not quite. Just a silver remained visible through his forest of long lashes. "You want to take it to my bedroom?" he asked hoarsely.

My gaze dipped a fraction and his erection was visibly straining through his jeans. The flush intensified against my skin. "Yes," I told him.

Slipping his hand into mine, he guided me away from the awful Netflix movie and to his bedroom, abandoning his empty beer bottle and my virtually full soda in the lounge. The voices filtering from the speakers in the lounge slowly began to recede as we ascended the stairs. When he shut the door after me, it almost drowned out their voices entirely. There was just a constant muffle emanating, incoherent and faint.

Noah dipped his head to kiss me slowly, pushing me back gently against the closed door. His hands pressed against my hips before his fingertips began to dig into my skin. As he parted his lips against mine, my hands reached up to cup his cheeks, grazing back until my fingers knotted in his hair. Despite the slightly sour taste of his lips and mouth, I loved the way he held me in his arms that were now snaking around my waist, drawing me away from the door and pressing his stomach flush against mine so my back arched.

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