Ch.18 ↬ M

207 13 18

It's better to love than be loved.

Despite the mantra holding no relevance to the fact that today was my first official day at Tucker Constructions, it always brought me small doses of peace. Maybe it was the happy memories attributed to the phrase, but whatever it was, I was chorusing it to myself all morning as I got ready.

By the time I was ambling across the gravelly parking lot to my car, I was startled enough to halt my mantra. There was a note tucked under one of my windshield wipers, and I knew exactly who the sender was without had been even examining it.

Good luck on your first day
you'll smash it
- Josh

Touched with the sweet gesture, I folded the note up and tucked it in my pocket before sinking into my leather seat and making my way to Tucker Constructions' current location. As they have a standard trailer they take to every building site, I would be stationed in the trailer, out of the way of the actual construction, but around everyone all the time. They had no headquarters, I realised, but I wasn't sure if that was standard procedure with construction companies or not. Maybe I'd have to save that question for Josh and his fountain of business knowledge.

When I arrived at the building site ten minutes early, I had to compose myself initially. Inhaling and exhaling deeply.

It's better to love than be loved.

It's better to love than be loved.

It's better to love than be loved.

It's better—

A brisk knock at my window jerked me back to reality, amputating me from the sweet numbness of anxiety that had been rocketing through my body since last night when reality finally began kicking in. There was a man bending down in front of my window, a frown creasing at his leathery skin caused by too much work in the sun.

As I rolled0 the window down, he asked, "Can I help you? Are you lost?" He didn't appear middle-aged, but I had a feeling the worn, creased skin around his eyes and on his forehead added too many years to his life. He still had a full set of hair, albeit it was more salt then pepper.

"I'm starting as the new secretary today," I replied in a too shaky voice, my confidence waned from his sudden arrival.

The man's face broke out into a broad grin. "I thought it would be you, but I just wanted to be sure. I didn't mean to disturb you. I can take you to the trailer, if you'd like?"

As much as I know I still needed a few more moments to myself, I hastily nodded and accepted the invitation, glad for Josh's forewarning of builders. Whoever this guy was, he seemed genuine and decent enough to assist me. But of course, like Josh warned, not all the guys would be so welcoming of me.

"Thank you."

As I stepped in line with him, he turned to me with a smile. "I'm Archie. Aside from a few other guys, I've been here the longest, so if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to shout. You'll be able to distinguish the guys who have worked the longest," he announced, gesturing to his greying hair with a light-hearted chuckle. "We'll help no matter what." He lowered his voice. "Some of the newer guys—the younger ones—they don't always agree with having a woman on-site, even if you're stationed in the trailer. Just be careful of that."

"Thanks, Archie," I told him, though I felt more anxious than relieved. "I appreciate this."

"Don't worry about it." He pointed in front of us to the house that was in the middle of being constructed with only the bare backbones built. "That's our current project. And to our left is the trailer which is where you'll mainly spend your time. Our manager Jeremy Tucker will be in there, and I'm sure he's expecting you. Anything else I can help with?"

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