×Ch.19 Done and Over With×

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A/N: Last time skip for a while, sorry again. Who saw the first five bands that were announced for Warped Tour 2015??


×Three Days Later×

I woke up with TJ behind me sleeping to me and I catefully got out of the bunk. I went to the message board and saw we were in Florida. I grabbed some summer clothes and went to do whatever I needed to do in the bathroom. I decided to get everyone breaksfast and I wrote a note telling them where I'd be if they woke up and left. I walked to the nearest McDonalds and ordered food for everyone. As I was waiting a teenaged girl in MIW merch came up to me.

"Excuse me, are you the girl friends with.Motionless in White and dating TJ Bell" she asked politely.

"Yeah" I said.

"Cool, I'm going to see them later on tonight" she said.

"I'll see you there then" I said smiling.

"Your so pretty, especially to be dating someone like TJ. Aren't you scared he might cheat on you" she asked.

"Thank you and I am a little, but he's changed" I said and she shrugged.

"Can I get a picture with you" she asked.

"Yeah, sure" I said.

She hugged me and took the picture as my order was being called.

"Well it was nice meeting you" I said grabbing my phone.

"You too" she said.

I walked back to the venue carrying all the food and went on the bus.

"Where is she" yelled Balz.

"I don't know! She wasn't next to me when I woke up" TJ yelled back.

"Hi guys" I said.

"Where have you been? We were worried sick" said Balz.

"McDonalds getting breakfast, I left a note" I said setting the food down.

"Oh" said TJ and Balz.

"Guys, breakfast" I yelled and they came over.

I passed out the food to everyone and sat down once I got my food.

"Thanks C" said Lydia

"No problem" I said.



×After Concert×

"Thank you guys, goodnight" said Chris and they walked off stage.

"Let's go I'm hungry" said Ryan.

"I'm not going, I'm exhausted" said TJ.

"Do you want us to bring anything back for you" I asked.

"No, I'm fine" he said kissing my cheek and left.

"I think I'll pass, I'm not feeling well" said Lydia and she held her stomach.

"Do you want me to stay" asked Chris.

"No, go have fun" she said and Chris kissed her forehead.

She walked away towards the bus and the rest of us got a cab to Applebees. We ate like a big weird family and were cracking jokes about one another. When we finished we got a cab back to the venue and walked to the bus laughing at something Josh said.

"Hey, why are the lights off in the bus" asked Allie.

"They're probably sleeping, they didn't feel good" said Angelo and we nodded.

As we got closer to the bus I heard weird noises coming from inside.

"Guys, shhh" said Ricky.

I didn't hear anything for a few seconds then I heard a girl moan TJ's name.

"Hell no" I said and ran on the bus.

I went to the back and ripped the door opened to see TJ fucking Lydia's brains out.

"What the fucking hell" I yelled.

They jumped and got off each other and started to quickly put their clothes back on.

"Baby, I can explain" said TJ.

"No TJ, were done! I can't believe I wasted my time and thought you actually changed" I said trying not to cry.

"Carson, I'm s-" said Lydia but I interrupted her.

"Shut up! I trusted you Lydia, you were my best friend and you do this? What about Chris, huh" I asked as she started crying.

As if on cue, Chris walked in and saw the two looking guilty and immediately became pissed.

"What the fuck!? I fucking loved you Lydia and you go and fuck my so called friend" he asked.

"I'm sorry Chris, it meant nothing to me, I love you" said Lydia.

"Fuck you bitch, get out and never come back" said Chris.

"Chris please" Lydia begged.

"Leave, both of you" said Chris and I.

I started to cry as they went to the bunks and got their stuff packed up and ready to go. The four of us went outside and the rest of the guys had a look of pure disgust. I saw Balz being held back by Ryan and got out of his hold and started punching TJ.

"You son of a bitch, how dare you cheat on her! She loved you and you fucked her over now you made her cry" said Balz.

"I'm sorry" said TJ between each punch.

It took Ryan and Angelo to get Balz off TJ and TJ looked like shit.

"Your fired TJ" said Josh.

"That's fucking fine, Escape the Fate needed me as a temporary bassist anyways" said TJ and flipped us off before leaving.

"You need to go too" Josh said to Lydia and she nodded.

She started to walk away then all of a sudden she bent over and started puking.

"I knew it" said Kelly.

"Knew what" I asked.

"I found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom, but I didn't know who's it was" she said.

We looked at Chris and he looked even more pissed off at her.

"Who's it with? TJ? Because I know we never did anything" he said.

"It's Ashley's" said Lydia.

"Figures, you two wouldn't stop eye fucking each other at Chris's party" said Jessica.

"Just leave and let someone else throw you a pity party" said Ryan-Ashley and Lydia left.

"Carson, are you okay" asked Balz.

"Thanks for what you did, but I just want to be left alone right now" I said.

"Come on guys, let's get on the bus" said Josh.

"Actually, I'm going to stay in my uncle's bus for a while, I don't want to sleep in there" I said.

"Okay" said Josh.

"I'm going to stay on KUZA's bus, I don't want to sleep in there either" said Chris and Josh nodded.

We went ont the bus and I grabbed a weeks worth of clothes to take with me to bus. I walked out with my bag of clothes and texted my uncle asking him for permission.

Me: Can I spend a week in your bus? I'll tell you why later.
Awesome Uncle <3: Yeah, your welcomed here anytime.
Me: Thanks.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked off to In This Moment's bus.

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