x Ch.29 Good before Bad x

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I woke up to the sound of people talking and looked at my phone for the time.


"Well fuck" I said.

Last night we stayed up pretty late after their set. Ryan was still bitching about the fact that Jessica was coming today.

"Time to face the world" I said climbing out of my bunk.

The doors to the bunks were closed so it's quiet in here. I grabbed my clothes for today and changed in my bunk. As I got back out the back lounge door opened and Balz and Ryan-Ash came in.

"Hey sweets" said Balz.

"Do I even want to know what was going on in there" I asked.

"We were just talking" said Ryan-Ash.

"She's leaving tomorrow" said Balz and I got wide eyed.

"Noo! Don't leave me with these people" I yelled grabbing on to Ash's legs.

"Aww, don't make me feel bad" she said and I got up.

"Whyy" I asked.

"I have to look over the shop" she said.

"We're hanging out today then, the three of us" I said knowing Blaz most likely want to spend time with his girlfriend before she leaves.

"Sounds like a plan" she said.

We heard complaining from the front, so we decided to see what drama was happening now.

"Why the fuck are you here so early" Ryan asked.

Jessica was standing at close to the door with Ricky behind her carrying her bag.

"Nice to see you too" she said.

"I'll put this away" Ricky said maneuvering his way to the bunks.

"Ahh, you're still here. I'd thought you'd be back at the women's shelter and actually looking for a job" said Jessica when she looked my way.

"What the hell is your problem? She didn't do anything to you" Kylie said before I got the chance to say anything.

"And you are" Jessica asked.

"Leave them alone Jess" Ricky said coming back and she rolled her eyes.

"Ash, Carson, and I are leaving, we'll be back soon" Balz said.

Balz pushed Jessica out of the way and we walked out of the bus.

"I fucking hate her" I said and they nodded their heads in agreement.




x 3hrs Later x

We went to a nearby fair that was going on in town. We went on all of the rides there, even the kiddie ones. Blaz even won a stuffed animal for Ryan-Ash, I thought it was cute. We bought some candy for ourselves first, then headed back to the bus area.

"Hey Carson" said Balz.

"Hm" I asked.

"We're going to head out, just tell them that we went out and we'll be back later" he said.

"Okay, have fun love birds" I said and walked on the bus.

The bus was pretty quiet except for the screams coming from the tv in the front lounge, Chris and Angelo were watching a horror movie.

"Sup beautiful" said Chris.

"Hey guys" I said in between the two.

"Where are the other two" asked Ange.

"Went out, they said they'll be back later" I said eating my blue raspberry rings.

"Can I have one" they asked and I have them two.

"Where are the others" I asked.

"Ryan and Allie went to go mess around somewhere and Ghost and Kylie went to get someone a present and ship it" said Ange.

"The other two are in the back doing who knows what" said Chris.

"Uh-huh...I can't wait until tomorrow, I've never been to Hollywood. Let alone California" I said changing the subject.

"It's nothing really special" said Ange.

"I don't care about the place, just the bands that live there" I said.

"Ohhh okay" they said.

"Hey, you're back" said Ricky as he and Jessica came up.

"Sup" I said.

"God, lay down on the sugar, you're fat enough" said Jessica looking at my candy bag.

"We're practically the same size, don't be jealous because you don't have any tits" I said earning a burn from Chris.

"Look here princess, this is what every guy wants. Not your ugly pig faced self" she said and Ange shook his head.

"That's enough! I don't want my best friend and my girlfriend to be fighting" said Ricky.

"What girlfriend? She barely called or texted you once the whole time she was gone. Everyone told me things about her and how she treats you, I didn't believe them until recently. Who knows, maybe they're right about her cheating on you" I said getting annoyed at the two.

"Not you too Carson" he said in disbelief.

"She's just crazy in love with you and jealous that I have you" said Jessica.

"Yeah, okay, if I was jealous and in love with Ricky, you wouldn't be here right now and you know it" I said.

"I here a cat fight" I heard Ryan say and Ange shushed him.

"Who do you love more Ricky, me or that bitch you call your friend" asked Jessica.


"That's fucking low" I said towards Jessica.

"Obliviously you babe" Ricky said and it stung a little.

"Ha, bitch" said Jessica.

"Well you his girlfriend dumbass, we don't see each other that way" I said.

"Can we just shut up already before I drop kick you off this bus" Ryan said to Jessica.

"Fuck you Sitkowski" Jessica said giving him the finger.

"I'd rather you not" he said.

"What's going on in here" asked Ghost.

"Unneeded shit" I said.

"I'm hungry" said Ange.

"Wanna get a bite to eat asked Chris.

"Let's go, you too Porter" said Ange.

"Can we come" asked Ricky.

"No" the three of us said.

"Can we" asked Ryan and Ghost.

"Yeah, let's go get some burgers" said Chris.

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