×Ch.3 Pool Party×

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When Ricky and I got to my place we picked up any trash laying around, cleaned up the guest rooms and the living room, cleaned the bathrooms, and locked my mom's room. When the guys came they figured out where they were going to sleep.

They said that they had an exhausting day and decided to go to sleep. Ricky wanted to stay here until the guys leave so we got out his air matress and we went to sleep.


I woke up before the guys and decided to make breakfast for the them to be a nice person. I got up, grabbed clothes, and did my morning routine in the bathroom. I went downstairs and started making the pancakes and bacon before anyone woke up. As I was almost done I saw TJ walk in shirtless in the corner of my eye and I blushed.

You can obviously tell I have a slight crush on him

"That smells really good" he said.

"Thanks. Can you wake up the others? Ricky's in my room too" I asked.

"Yeah no problem" he said and walked off.

I finished the food and grabbed plates, cups, silverware, and orange juice for everyone. I grabbed food for me and walked into the living room and turned on the tv to Family Guy. One by one the guys went to the kitchen and into the living room with food.

"Thanks Carson" said the guys.

"No problem" I said.

"This is really good" said Ryan.

"I missed homemade cooking" said Josh.

We sat there eating and watching tv until everyone was done and I put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Hey, is it alright if we take a shower" asked Angelo.

"Yeah, there's a bathroom in my room and one between the two guest rooms" I said.

"Great, thanks" said Ryan and they walked away.

"I'll be back Carson, I'm going to get clothes and my bass from home" said Ricky.

"Okay" I said and he left.

"Nice house" said Josh.

"Thanks" I said.

"So is there any rules you have" asked Chris.

"A few I guess, but they're not bad" I said.

"Okay" said TJ.

"No smoking in the house

-no girls

-if you leave, tell either Ricky or me when your coming back so we can unlock the door for you

-my mom's room is off limits

-no alcohol

-bathroom, tv, food, and pool are free" I said.

"They're not bad" said Josh.

"Why no alcohol" asked TJ.

"I plan to be straight edge with my mom" I said.

"Okay, how come we aren't friends" said both Chris and Josh and I laughed.

"Wait wait wait, you have a pool" asked TJ.

"Yeah, there's a roof over it so you can go in even when it's raining" I said.

"Fuck a shower, I'm going in the pool" he said.

"Yeah me too" said said Chris and Josh.

They went upstairs to change and I went in my room to get my bikini and changed in my mom's room. I grabbed four towels and wrapped one around me as I walked down to the pool. We met by the pool and I took off my towel earning a wolf whistle from TJ.

"Okay so who's in going fir-" said Josh before getting pushed in by Chris and I.

"Oh it's on bitches" said Josh.

TJ, Chris, and I jumped in and started having a water fight with Josh. As Chris dunked TJ, Ryan and Angelo came out looking kinda pissed.

"What the fuck!? How come we weren't informed about a pool" asked Ryan.

"You didn't ask, plus you guys decided to take a shower" said Josh.

"Thats's not fair" said Angelo.

"Fuck this, I'll take another shower" said Ryan as he went back inside.

"Same" said Angelo and followed Ryan.

"Let's play Marco Polo" said TJ.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to put music on. Does anyone want a drink" I asked.

"Were fine" they said.

I hooked up my phone to a stereo and semi-blasted whatever came on which was Psychosocial.

"I didn't know we were having a pool party" said Ricky.

"Apperantly, go get changed" I said and he walked upstairs.

I ran back to the pool and did a front flip splashing whoever was near.

"Okay, this girl is bad ass" said Chris.

"Are you sure? Because she has a nice ass" said Tj and I turned red.

"But no one else can see. The preservation of the martyr in meee" Ryan yelled before landing in the pool.

"Someone likes this song" said Ricky.

"Everyone likes this song, even you Richard" I said.

He smirked before attempting to land on me but he missed landing at the other end because of Angelo.

"Thanks Angelo" I said.

"No problem" he said.

I felt something touch my leg and I looked down to see TJ swimming near me. He took my hand and dragged me to the shallow end of the pool away from the others.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey" I said back.

"You know we all really appriciate what you and Ricky are doing for us" he said and held my hand.

"We're glad to help" I said smiling.

"You know your really hot in a bikini" he said.

"Thanks" I said blushing.

"No problem. So, is there a boyfriend I should know about" he asked and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"No" I said.

"Good" he said and started getting close.

He was two seconds away from kissing me when Chris and Ricky decided to splash water on us.

"Motherfuckers" said TJ and I laughed.

"I'm going to make dinner" I said and got out before drying myself.

I took a shower and started make the guys some food.

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