x Ch.30 Just Starting x

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When we got back from eating everyone went to their bunks and ignored Ricky and Jessica. We also found out that In This Moment was dropping out of the tour, which made me sad to hear. The next day we dropped Ryan-Ashley off at the airport. It's been about 3 hours and Balz and I are already missing her. Around 2 o'clock we were in Los Angeles and I got excited because I've always wanted to come here when I was younger.

"Okay, L.A. is pretty damn expensive. And due to the problem, we can only get four rooms. So, couples are sharing rooms with others. I'm pretty sure they don't want to share with other couples so there'll be one in each room" said Josh. (A/N: He's the manager. Josh is Josh K. and Balz is Josh B.)

"And I'm guessing you're taking the fourth room" said Angelo.

"Yup. So to be fair and random, each couple and I are going to pull a name out of the hat" said Josh waving a baseball cap in front of us.

"What if we already know who we want to room with" asked Ryan.

"Too bad. I know everyone's having problems with others and this way makes it fair. So Ricky, Ryan, or Ghost, who's going first" asked Josh.

"I guess I will" said Ghost.

He stepped up to the hat, pulled out a piece of paper, and opened it.

"Okay. We got Balz" he said.

"Cool" Balz said relieved.

"Me next" said Ryan.

He did the same as Ghost and kept a poker face.

"Ange" he said and Angelo nodded.

"Since I'm the only girl that's not in a couple, can I just share with Josh" I asked and Josh smiled.

"No" everyone said which started me.

"Uhem, no because it has to be fair remember" said Chris trying to regain himself.

"Jeez, okay" I said.

"I'll go next" said John.

He pulled a paper out and made a grim face after opening it.

"It's Chris" he said and Chris looked happy.

"Dammit" I sighed realizing I had to room with the ones I didn't want to.

"Before we get off, I just want to remind you that we get a mini vacation here. We'll be here for a week and a half due to weather warning up in Washington" said Josh.

"Okay" we all said.

"Let's go" he said.

We got off the bus and took taxis to the hotel we're going to stay at. Josh went to the front desk to check us in and gave us our room keys. We took the elevator up to the third floor and headed towards our rooms.

"Please try not kill each other" said Josh intentionally for Jessica and I.

"Yeah Olson, keep your woman in check" said Ryan and Ricky gave him a look.

"Ass" said Jessica before going in the room.

"Nah" said Ryan.

"Carson, can I talk to you" asked Josh.

"Yeah" I said.

Ryan went in his room and Ricky stood there looking at Josh and I before I motioned him to go in the room.

"I'll be there in a minute" I told Ricky.

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