Movie Night

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"Come on, Sam! We still need to choose a movie for tonight!" you called out. You picked up the big bowl of buttered popcorn to try and find the Netflix remote. Sam rounded the corner just in time to see you almost dump the entire bowl's contents on your head. He chuckled at the sight, which caused you to look up and realize what you were about to do.

"I know later I'll regret asking this, but what the hell are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Looking for the stupid Netflix remote! I know it's around here somewhere, I just saw it," you replied, frustrated. As a last resort, you were about ready to shake out your blanket to see if it was lost in the creases.

Sam put down the bags of M&Ms he brought with him and started to help you look for the remote. Fortunately, he found it in between the couch cushions. Sam held it up to you with a grin, wiggling it back and forth. "So, since I found the remote, do I get to pick the movie?" he asked.

"No way, you got to pick last time. It's my turn," you replied.

"But, if I hadn't found it, we wouldn't be able to choose anything, let alone play something once we decided," he persisted.

"How about a Western?" Dean suggested. You and Sam looked at each other, then looked back at Dean. "No," you answered him in unison.

"Please? Can I please choose this time?" Sam asked, giving you his dreaded puppy-dog eyes that you can never resist.

"Fine," you relented. "But I get to pick next time," you warned.

"Better not be a 'chick-flick'," Dean grumbled.

"You know what? Just for that, Dean, it WILL be a chick-flick," you teased. Sam held up his hand and you high-fived each other.

The movie selected for the evening was Back to the Future III, because Sam knew it was your favorite of the series. That, and it was set in 1885, so Dean got his Western fix. You placed the popcorn bowl between you and Sam to share, and he poured you a small cup of the plain M&Ms.

Somewhere around the scene where Doc Brown danced with Clara Clayton, you fell asleep. Sam looked over to see you all curled up in the corner of the couch. You had your quilt wrapped around you. It was your favorite because it was the one your mother made for you.

Sam took a moment to study you as you slept. For once, you looked almost at peace with the world, Sam thought. He rarely saw you when you didn't have something on your mind or weren't working on something. Running the bunker was a huge responsibility, and Sam thought you did a wonderful job of it. You managed the research, tended to injuries and kept everyone well-fed. It was good to see you relaxed, even if only for a couple of hours, Sam thought to himself.

When the movie was over, Sam tried to wake you up so you could fall back to sleep in your own bed. First, he brushed your cheek with the back of his hand, but you didn't wake up. He nudged your arm, gently at first, then with a bit more insistence. Your eyelids finally fluttered open, and you smiled when you saw Sam's face.

"Is the movie over?" you asked. Sam grinned and nodded. "Sorry, Sam, I didn't mean to fall asleep," you remarked.

"It's okay, I know you worked hard today," he acknowledged. Just like every other day, he thought. "Come on, honey, let's get you to your room. The sooner we do that, the sooner you can get back to sleep and to whatever you were dreaming about," he replied.

"Wasn't exactly a dream," you mumbled. "So, I don't really want to get back to it."

You had reached your bedroom door and you paused before going in. "Want to talk about it? Might help you sleep better," Sam asked.

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