Just Friends, Part 2

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Bags packed, you took one last look around your room to make sure you didn't forget anything. You took the two envelopes you marked "Sam" and "Dean" and left them for their recipients. Before closing and locking your bedroom door, you left your phone on the dresser. Since you weren't taking it with you, they couldn't track you and bring you back.

Your first stop was in Hibbing, Minnesota to visit Sheriff Donna Hanscum. You two had become good friends, working together on some cases with the boys. You loved her quirky sense of humor, something you were in desperate need of lately. She didn't know the reason behind your visit to her without Sam and Dean. Nonetheless, she was happy that you were coming to see her.

Donna had told you about this little dive restaurant on the edge of town that served the best burgers, so you decided to meet there. When you pulled up to the place, you saw her get out of her sheriff's vehicle and run over to you for a hug. You were so happy to see her, that tears sprang to your eyes. She saw this, and gave you an extra squeeze. "Come on, girl, let's get you one of the best burgers in the Midwest," she said.

While you waited for your order, she looked you straight in the eye and told you to spill about why you were there to visit without the boys. At first, you tried to put her off, told her that you were taking a break from hunting. She gave you that look like she knew there was more than what you were saying and wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. That caused you to spill everything, from Dean's criticism of your pie, to the hunting classes. To growing closer to Dean and your feelings about him. To that night in the bar and your limited contact with both Winchesters since that night. When you finished, she reached for your hand.

"You've certainly been through a lot, honey. I'm wondering, though, if you should maybe give Dean a chance to explain," she remarked.

"There's nothing to explain, Donna. He made his feelings quite clear that night with that bimbo. I know because I heard him say, clear as day, 'she's not my girlfriend, it's not like that between us'. Can't get much clearer than that," you replied as your voice broke on the last word.

"Just because that's what he said, doesn't mean that's what he meant. Men, especially that one, are notorious for hiding their feelings behind a 'macho' façade. I'm just saying that you may want to give him a second chance. He may surprise you," Donna finished just as her phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and excused herself to take the phone call.


Back at the bunker, Dean pulled Baby into her parking spot with a screech of the tires. The engine was barely off before he yanked the keys from the ignition and threw open the car door. He went rushing down the spiral staircase, calling your name. His voice grew increasingly concerned with each call and hearing no answer from you.

Dean walked towards your room, only to find the door closed and locked. Hoping you might still be inside but just asleep, he went to his own room to deposit his bag. He turned on his light and the first thing he saw was an envelope propped up on his pillow. He raced over to it, tore it open and sat down on his bed.

Dear Dean,

By the time you read this, I will be gone. I don't know where I'm going yet, but I know that I can't stay in the bunker anymore with you and Sam.

Some things have happened in the past few weeks that made me realize that I can never have what I truly want. Rather than tiptoe around about it any longer, I decided that it was best for me to leave. You won't have me around anymore as a distraction or someone else to be responsible for.

I'm sure you may be asking yourself what it is that I truly want, so here it is. Dean Winchester--I am in love with you. I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I only wish that you felt the same.

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