Research Break

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Imagine: You've developed a huge crush on the youngest Winchester, but won't tell him because you don't think he's interested in you that way. Until someone gives the situation a nudge.

It had been three years since you started hunting with the Winchesters. Before that, you were living with your Aunt Ruthie, who was a designated Hunter's Resource. She provided information on supernatural lore to any and all hunters who asked for it. You came to live with her after your parents were killed in a car accident when you were 10.

You first became involved with Sam and Dean during a hunt for a particularly nasty and elusive werewolf. Aunt Ruthie gave you as much information as she had and put you and the Winchesters on its trail.

As you sat in the diner waiting for your meal to arrive, the bell above the door chimed. You thought to yourself that the two handsome men walking in had to be the Winchester boys. They had that air of confidence about them that came from all that they had seen and been through together. The taller man, Sam, noticed you sitting in the corner booth and walked over to you.

"Hey there, you're Ruthie's niece, right?" he asked.

"That would be me, and you must be Sam and Dean Winchester. Aunt Ruthie told me that I would be meeting and working with you for this hunt," you explained.

"Did she happen to mention how devastatingly handsome we would be?" Dean asked, waggling his eyebrows.

You pretended to think. "No, no, I don't think that subject came up. She did say that you were a bit of a ladies' man, Dean, and that I should watch out," you quipped. Sam chuckled while Dean mumbled something under his breath.

"Seriously, though, she had high praise for your hunting skills, though, and said you both were the best. Also said she worked with your father a few times, providing some much needed information. We were sorry to hear of his passing," you said solemnly.

"Thank you. What can you tell us about this werewolf that makes it different?" Sam asked. You turned your laptop around to show him what Ruthie had come up with, then the three of you were off on the hunt. You chose to ride with Sam and Dean to the site where it had last been seen. You noticed an abandoned shack in the woods, a perfect hiding place for it. The plan was for the boys to enter through the front door, while you went around back.

Before you opened the door, you checked that you had a clip full of silver bullets and also your silver blade as a backup weapon. You carefully opened the door, only to have it ripped from your hands by the werewolf. "You shouldn't have come alone, dearie. You're just in time for dinner. Main course: YOU. You're just the type of meat I'm looking for, young and sweet," it snarled.

You reached for your gun, only to have it knocked clean out of your hands before you could get a shot off. The werewolf picked you up by your neck, cutting off your air supply. Fortunately, you were able to reach your silver blade in your pocket, so you slashed it across its arm, causing it to drop you. In retaliation, it took a swipe at you, its claws slicing across your midsection. You screamed in pain, which alerted Sam and Dean.

Sam was the first to respond. He yelled at you to stay down, then he fired his weapon, pumping three silver bullets into the creature. You were able to drag yourself out of the way before the thing fell on top of you, but it took nearly all of your strength. Sam and Dean came rushing over to your side, trying to take stock of your injuries. "I don't think it's that deep, but I'll need stitches," you managed to get out before falling unconscious.


Sam scooped you up and carried you back to the Impala, where the boys carefully laid you in the backseat. Sam climbed in with you, holding his shirt over your wounds to hopefully keep the blood loss to a minimum. Dean fired up the Impala and raced back to the motel where they could get you stitched up.

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