Hometown Hunt, Part 1

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Imagine: You and Sam have been dating for five years. On the way back from a hunt, you run into someone you never thought you'd see again.

You opened your eyes and saw your alarm clock on my nightstand. "8:37 a.m.," You groaned, rolling over. In the bed next to you was your sweet Sam, sleeping peacefully. "Good morning, my love," you whispered. You smiled as you brushed a lock of his hair behind his ear and caressed his cheek with your hand. Sam turned into your touch and kissed your palm. "Hey baby, good morning to you," he said sleepily.

As you tried to get up to start making breakfast, Sam's arm around your midsection tightened a little. "Ugh! Sam! You have to let go of me if I'm going to make breakfast for us all," you said.

"Nuh uh, stay here with me. I promise it'll be a lot more fun, and we'll work up an appetite," he replied suggestively. Before you could say another word, his mouth crashed onto yours with a passion that would've knocked your socks off, had you been wearing any. His tongue ran along your bottom lip for entry, causing a tiny moan to escape your lips. You parted them just enough for Sam's tongue to slip inside. He propped himself up on one elbow, cupping your cheek with his other hand.

"So beautiful...." he murmured. You tilted your head back, exposing your neck. Sam took the opportunity to trail a series of kisses up and down your neck, taking nips at your skin here and there. He worked his way back up your neck to your earlobe, where he drew it between his teeth, which drove you insane with pleasure.

Sam's hand then traveled down from your cheek to slip underneath the T-shirt you were sleeping in, drawing it up and over your head. "So much for making breakfast," you said, in between short breaths. "Oh, baby, trust me. I've got enough for us to eat right here," Sam grinned as he pulled the blanket up and over the two of you.


About an hour later and after you both had showered, you and Sam wandered into the kitchen, where Dean was preparing his first cup of coffee. "Good morning, Dean," you said, ruffling his hair when you walked by him. "Shush, woman. No talking until I've had at least half of this cup of coffee. You know the rules," he muttered.

"What's on the agenda today? Found any cases?" you asked.

"Actually I did, it's a demon's nest, about 8-10 of them in it. But I was thinking of calling in another hunter for it. I don't think you're gonna want to go," Dean explained.

"And just why is that? Why on earth would we hand off a demon's nest case to another hunter?" you demanded.

Dean turned his laptop around to show you the article in the newspaper from your hometown. Your eyes went wide and you suddenly felt a wave of dizziness crash over you. You gripped the edge of the table to keep from falling.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Sam came rushing over to you, worry etched onto his face. He helped you sit down in a chair to collect yourself, as he knelt in front of you.

"I promised myself that once I left town, that I would never come back. That werewolf picked off so many of my friends from school, one by one. Then it took my family from me...." you trailed off, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks.

Sam pulled you into his arms and gently stroked the back of your head with his giant but comforting hand. "Shh, I've got you. You're okay, honey," he soothed.

After a bit, you pulled back a little to look at Sam in his hazel-colored eyes. "Sam, I don't want to give this case to some other hunter. It's my hometown. Therefore, it's up to me to make sure that no other family has to go through what I went through just because of some monster. Besides, I know the owner of a great bar we can hit afterwards," you grinned.

"Well, all right! Let's pack up and get headed out so we can hit that bar you were talking about," Dean replied enthusiastically.

"Babe, are you sure?" Sam asked. "I'm sure, Sam. This is something I have to do, but I know you'll be with me every step of the way, backing me up. And that means the world to me," you said softly.

"I love you," he said, pulling me back into his arms. "I love you too, Sam," you returned as you reached up to pull him down for a soft, slow kiss, full of promises for later.


After a successful hunt, you pulled up in the Impala in front of the bar in town. "Here it is, boys, as promised! This is the bar I was telling you about. My best friend from high school is the one who owns it," you told the boys.

"Does she know what you do for a day job?" Sam asked.

"Oh, yeah, she's known about all of this since I left town," you explained. "All she asks is that I call once in a while, and in the early days, she gave me a place to crash when I needed it."

We walked up to the bar and took our seats. You cleared your throat so you could order your drinks. "Excuse me? I'd like three beers and one shot of Tequila, please," You turned and winked at Sam and Dean. The bartender turned, saw you and screamed your name. Your BFF came running around from behind the bar and damn near tackled you to the ground trying to hug you.

"It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here? I thought after that last 'thing' that you said you'd never come back," she said lowering her voice.

"Had a case, took care of it. You didn't think I was going to leave town without seeing you, did you?" you replied.

"No way, chickie! Let me get those drinks for you," she said as she ran back behind the bar.

"I certainly hope you won't be leaving town before seeing me," a deep voice behind you said. You froze at the sound and all of the color drained from your face. No, you thought. It can't be, he's dead. You slowly turned around and saw the one person you never thought you'd see again.

Sam watched the play of emotions on your face and grew concerned. "Honey? Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Honey?? Who the hell are you?" the mystery man demanded.

"I'm Sam, her boyfriend. Who the hell are you?" Sam retorted.

With a smug look on his face, he replied, "I'm Jake Stewart, her husband."

Sam's eyes flicked to you, looking for some sort of signal that Jake was lying. "Sam," you pleaded and reached for his hand, but he had already bolted out the front door. You gave Jake a death glare and went running after Sam.


Husband? What the HELL?!? She never told me she was married. Sam heard you calling his name behind him, but he kept walking.

"Sam! Wait, please! Let me explain!" you pleaded.

He whirled around to face you. "What on earth is there to explain?!? You're married, for Chuck's sake and you didn't tell me!" Sam angrily shouted.

"I thought he was dead, I gave him a hunter's funeral and everything! On our last hunt together, we were hunting demons, and I saw him get stabbed. There was so much blood and I couldn't stop it. We said our goodbyes and our 'I love yous'. He died in my arms, or at least I thought he did," you finished as your voice broke.

Sam held out his arms and you came running to him. "I'm so sorry, Sam. I never meant to hurt you. I love you so much," you sobbed.

"Shh, shh, baby girl. It's okay, we'll figure this out. There has to be a logical explanation for this. We should probably get back in there, though, before Dean kicks his ass," Sam said as you chuckled softly. "That's my girl. I love you," Sam assured you as he kissed your perfect pink lips.


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