Learning to Be Human

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Imagine: Castiel's grace is gone, so you decide to teach him in the ways of being human. Along the way, you find you are developing special feelings for the angel-turned-human. When he gets his grace back, you make an amazing discovery.

Sunlight filtered through the curtains on the small window in your bedroom. You opened one eye to see the time on your bedside clock. 9:24 a.m. Wow, I didn't realize I had slept in that much. Time to get up, I suppose, you thought reluctantly to yourself.

You hopped in the shower to try and get more fully awake. You picked out your favorite pair of faded jeans, a purple scoop-neck T-shirt and black button-down overshirt. Your black ankle boots and simple jewelry completed your outfit for the day.

You wandered into the kitchen, following the aroma of brewing coffee. Someone must have set the automatic timer, because you were the only one awake at the moment. You retrieved your mixing bowls from the cupboard. You took out the large one for pancake batter and a smaller one for scrambling the eggs. You brought out the skillet for frying bacon, then turned to the fridge for your ingredients.

You had just closed the fridge door when you saw Castiel had entered the kitchen. You must have sensed his presence, because his sudden appearance didn't startle you as much. When he was an angel, his random appearances and disappearances frequently caught you off-guard.

"Good morning," he said with a smile.

"Good morning, Castiel, I hope you slept well," you replied, returning his smile.

"I did, and thank you for asking. What are you making?" he asked.

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon," you answered. You opened the pantry and pulled out the pancake mix and started measuring it for the number of pancakes you wanted to make.

"May I assist you in any way? Cooking is something I'm sure I'll need to learn, the longer I'm human," he mentioned. That, and it allows me to spend time closer to you, he thought.

"That would be wonderful," you responded, blushing a little. "If you want to help, you can start by cracking open some eggs into this bowl," you said as you pushed the bowl towards him. "I think we'll use the whole dozen today, because you know how breakfast is the most important meal of the day," you grinned.

You added the water to the pancake flour and started whisking the two ingredients together. When there were no more lumps, you turned on the griddle for cooking the pancakes. You also heated up the skillet for the bacon and put a few slices in. You handed Cas a fork to scramble the eggs. "I'll wait to cook the eggs until after the bacon is done. That way, the bacon flavor will carry over to the eggs."

"You truly are a marvel in the kitchen. I hope to learn a lot from you in this area of knowledge," Cas remarked. "Where did you learn your skills?" he asked.

"Thank you, Cas. My mom taught me everything she knew, then the rest I picked up along the way. For example, this using the bacon grease for the eggs? That's my mom. Whenever she was done cooking bacon for a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, she would always ask if anyone wanted eggs also. She probably learned that from her mom, and so on," you said softly.

Cas came up next to you and placed his hand on yours. "I know you lost your parents at a young age, which must have been terrible for you. But I'm sure they're watching over you, and that they are proud of the woman you have become," he said. With his index finger, he turned your face so that you were staring directly into his ocean-blue eyes.

At that moment, Dean walked into the kitchen, followed closely by Sam. Dean loudly cleared his throat as he reached behind you for his coffee cup. "Good morning, you two," he smirked. You mumbled "good morning" in reply, then returned your attention towards making breakfast. You put the bacon and pancakes on platters, the eggs in a bowl then took them to the table. You got down three plates from the cabinet, three forks from the drawer and passed them out to the boys.

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