Broken Promises

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Imagine: Gabriel tries to apologize after a fight.

It started out as any normal day. Well, normal for the hunting life, anyway. You rolled over to see your bedside clock telling you it was 8:30am, time to start your day. You also noticed the single red rose in the vase on your nightstand. Gabriel, you smiled to yourself as you closed your eyes and breathed in the rose's scent.

You and Gabriel had been seeing each other for the past year or so. Sam and Dean were a little skeptical at first, but then they saw how happy you were together. They did their best to stay civil whenever Gabriel was around, for your sake.

His favorite thing to do for you was to leave a single red rose for you to see each morning. He says he does it to show you how much he loves you. He even takes care to remove the thorns so you won't hurt yourself.

Your relationship hasn't been without its issues, though. You've caught Gabe with his arms around another woman on a few occasions. He assured you the women meant nothing, and that you are his one and only true love. You forgave him and you stayed together.

After your shower, you wrapped your hair in one towel and your body in another. You heard a fluttering of wings and could swear you smelled candy. You looked around, because you knew Gabriel was there, he just hadn't shown himself yet for some reason.

"Good morning, my love," you heard from behind you. "Good morning, Gabriel," you smiled, as you began to turn around.

"Whoa, hold on there a second. Loving the view, there, Sweetcheeks," he teased, reaching to pinch your backside.

You barely ducked out of his way, clutching the towel to your body. "You'd better clear out of here before Sam and/or Dean see you here with me in this state of undress," you warned.

"I am not afraid of Dean-o and/or Samsquatch," Gabriel scoffed. "Now come over here and let me see those 'sweet cheeks', Sweetcheeks," he taunted, reaching for your towel.

"Gabriel, now is not the time. I have to get dressed," you explained. Gabriel walked around you and got comfortable on the bed. He sat with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles. "By all means, Cupcake, please continue," he smirked.

You couldn't help but smile at his boldness, which also caused a blush to rise in your face. "Gabe, please. Either zap out and go do something else while I get dressed, or wait for me in the kitchen," you ordered.

"Ooh, I like it when you get bossy," he sassed. "All right, I'll give you 15 minutes to get dressed and not one second more. I'm pretty sure Dean-o and Samsquatch are in the kitchen by now. If they are, they won't be too pleased to see me unless you're there. I'll be back, baby," he promised, pulling you in for a slow, tender kiss. "There's more where that came from, sweetheart. I love you, you know," he said softly, as he caressed along your jawline with his index finger.

"Yes, Gabe, I know. I love you, too. Now, scoot, so I can get dressed, my love," you said as you tried to be stern. But the twinkle in his eye made it impossible, so you gave him a shy smile as he zapped out of sight.

You pulled on your favorite pair of dark blue jeans, a red scoop-neck T-shirt and red flannel shirt. Your black knee-high boots with the wedge heel completed your outfit. After running some styling gel through your short, spiky brown hair, you headed to the kitchen for some breakfast.

When you got there, coffee was already brewing and you popped a couple of pieces of bread into the toaster. As the bread toasted, you sliced a banana and retrieved the peanut butter from the pantry for your toast. When coffee finished brewing, you prepared it with a hot chocolate packet in the bottom and your favorite flavor of creamer.

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