Book Club

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You walked into the library to find a new book. You had just finished a murder-mystery that was well-written, but now you wanted something different. Maybe one of the classics, like Pride and Prejudice, or The Great Gatsby. Perhaps a spy-thriller like Vince Flynn was known for, or something by Stephen King. You also had a soft spot for those sappy romance novels every once in a while, but you knew you wouldn't find that in this library.

As you had found in your past exploration of the library, all of the fiction books were kept on the uppermost shelves. That meant using the ladder, and you were a little afraid of heights. You were craving an introduction of new fictional characters, so up the ladder you went.

Your eyes settled on a book called Out of Time, by Monique Martin. It followed a college professor and his female research assistant. By manipulating a magical pocket watch, they are able to move through time, having various adventures. There were nine other books in the series, so you figured you should have plenty to read for a while.

You were reading the inside cover of the book as you descended the ladder. Near the bottom, your foot slipped on one of the rungs. Fortunately, Sam was passing through the library and saw you start to fall, arriving in the nick of time to catch you.

"Thank you, Sam! Guess I should've paid better attention to the ladder instead of this book," you mused. You slung one arm around his neck, batted your eyes and said, "My hero!"

Sam threw his head back and laughed at your silliness. "At your service, milady," he quipped.

Looking into his warm, hazel eyes, your face started to feel a little flushed. "Um, Sam? Can you please put me down? I think I'm okay to walk now. I can't wait to start this book!" Sam gently returned your feet to solid ground and you flashed him a grateful smile and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you!" you threw over your shoulder as you ran to your room for your favorite blanket to snuggle with in your reading chair.


Sam was on his way to the kitchen by way of the library when he saw you perusing the fiction books on the top shelves. He loved to read, not just for research, and he was glad that you loved to do both almost as much as he did.

There were so many times that he stopped plunking away on his laptop to watch you as you thumbed through a lore book. How your hazel eyes darted back and forth, scanning for any useful information for their latest case. Your furrowed eyebrows when you were trying to make sense of some ancient language. The way you would sometimes fall asleep while reading, your long and delicate eyelashes gently brushing your face.

When he entered the library, you were standing near the top of the ladder, hands on your hips as you looked through the books. You finally settled on one, and began reading the inside jacket while you went down the ladder. Sam started towards you, knowing that your distraction may cause you to fall off and get hurt. Sure enough, your foot slipped on one of the last rungs, and he was there to catch you.

It felt good to hold you in his arms, something he'd had dreams about, though not all of those dreams were as chaste as this encounter. As Sam gently lowered you back onto your feet, you smiled in gratitude and kissed his cheek. He felt a spark where your soft lips made contact with his skin, and he found that he wouldn't mind if you did that again.


You brought out your favorite blanket from your room, and went back to the library. You found your favorite chair and settled into it sideways. Your back was against one arm, your legs were dangling over the other and your blanket was covering your lower half.

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