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Imagine: You are captured by angels that are trying find Castiel. He feels so guilty that he erases your memories of him.

"I'm headed into town for some supplies, anyone need anything special? I know, you want pie, Dean. That's already on my list," you remarked. "Sam? Cas? Anything?" you asked.

"Just your safe return," Cas answered with a small smile. "Please be careful. Maybe you should have Sam or Dean accompany you," he suggested.

"Cas, I'll be fine. I don't need Sam or Dean to hold my hand just to go and get groceries," you answered. Although it would be nice if you came with me, you thought. I wouldn't mind holding your hand, though. Wait, what? "I promise I'll be careful, Cas, and it shouldn't take too long to get what we need. An hour maybe?"

"An hour, then. See you when you get back," Cas said softly, as he took your hand and rubbed his thumb across the back of it. "See you when I get back," you whispered, blushing furiously.

You drove down the highway with the classic rock blaring and the windows down. As you drove, you thought back to your exchange with Cas that occurred just before you left. When he took your hand, you felt a jolt of electricity shoot up your arm. You felt so at ease around Cas, like your life is so simple, when it's really anything but that. You began to think what it would be like to have his arms around you, to feel his hand on your cheek and ultimately, his lips on yours. Whoa, you thought. Get a grip, girl. You know Cas doesn't see you that way, he was just being protective like he is with Sam and Dean. So, be cool.

You eased into a parking space at the supermarket, a smile gracing your face as you thought about Cas. Despite the talk you just tried to give yourself to bring you back to earth, you couldn't help but smile as you pictured the face of a certain blue-eyed angel.

You walked up and down each aisle, checking items off your list as you went. When you had completed the list, you went up to the cash register, paid for your items and pushed the cart out to your car. As you walked out to your car, you spied some individuals that had developed a sudden interest in you. You continued as if you hadn't seen them but felt for your angel blade in your coat pocket. You opened the trunk and started to unload the groceries from the cart. Suddenly, you drew your blade and held it to the neck of one of your assailants. "Who are you and what do you want?" you demanded.

Before he could answer, another angel had come up from behind you and held an angel blade to your neck. "Well, well, if it isn't the Winchesters' girl out here all alone. I can't believe they let you out here without protection. By the way, where's Castiel?" he asked.

"How should I know?" you retorted. "He appears and disappears at random, so I have no idea when I'll see him again," you sassed.

"I think you know more than you're letting on, human. Let's find out," he sneered as they dragged you away from your car.

"Hey! Let go of me you jerks!" you screamed. Then one of them put two fingers to your head and all you saw was black.


Dean's phone rang, but he didn't recognize the Caller ID. "Hello? Who is this?" he asked.

"Dean? This is Joe from the supermarket. I have something to tell you about your girl. She was just in here buying some groceries and was taking them out to her car when she was attacked. Someone said that they saw her being dragged away at knife-point by some guys in black trench coats. I thought you should know," he finished. 

"Yeah, all right. Thanks Joe," he said solemnly as he hung up. "SAM! CAS! We have a problem!" he shouted.

They both came running out to where he was standing, a grim look on his face. "What's going on, Dean?" Sam asked.

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